Welcome back to Friday night podcasts here at Fictional Café, except for the new year we’re renaming this popular feature audiobooks. Reason being, podcasting has really evolved a lot, and since we concentrate on fiction, anything you listen to here is a story – and that makes a podcast, to our way of thinking, an audiobook. If that makes any sense. If it doesn’t, you could always fall back on the Firesign Theater’s David Ossman’s handle, radio movies.
This week, we welcome back our friends at ZBS Media and one of their very best works, “Saratoga Noir.” Not only is the audio great, but just check out the comic book that accompanies it!
This is just the first of 20 episodes. If you like what you hear – and see – let us know and we’ll post some more episodes. If you scream really loud, maybe we’ll post them all!
But if you just can’t wait for more, hop over ZBS where you can download the entire work, and many, many others, for chump change.
Please click on the arrow to listen to Episode 1 of “Saratoga Noir.”