One of FC’s most beloved contributors has returned! Take a look at 10 more collages by the talented Bill Wolak.
Artist’s Statement: Everywhere we look there are faces staring back at us. Out of the corner of the eye, we spy a wink from a passing shadow or a smile in a gleam of water. We project our selves outward into the field we experience. Collage sets out to record these fleeting impressions.

“Drifting on a Strangers Smile”

“Aloof as the Touch of a Mirror”

“Learning How to Breathe Through Your Own Scars”

“The Slip Knot’s Enticing Touch”

“Tingling That Deepens Every Embrace”

“Quick as a Smile’s Net of Moonlight”

“The Arousal of Circular Lips”

“The Tenderness of Seeds”

“The Whisper of Sand”

“With the Flesh of Awakening Moonlight”

Bill Wolak has just published his eighteenth book of poetry entitled All the Wind’s Unfinished Kisses with Ekstasis Editions. His collages have appeared as cover art for such magazines as Phoebe, Harbinger Asylum, Baldhip Magazine, and Barfly Poetry Magazine.