Fictional Cafe is starting off this month with TWO award-winning stories written by the talented Julie Hoverson of 19 Nocturne Blvd!
First up, The Outpost. What would you do if you woke up in a strange place that is nothing like your home planet, a million light years from home? Follow Vanessa 98949 as she navigates the bizarre world she wakes up in. This amazing audio drama won the 2008 Mark Time Award for Best Science Fiction.
And of course this show would be nothing without the incredible cast bringing the story alive!
Grant Hickey – Gene Thorkildsen
Vanessa 98949 – Julie Hoverson
Lassiter – Russell Gold
Yasmin – Melissa D. Johnson
Recorder – Beverly Poole
Next on the award-winning list, The Rookie, which won the Mark Time Award for Science Fiction in 2009.
This one features a dark, ominous world in which serial killers roam apartment complexes and a young man has to fight in order to make his mark, and features the cast of Lucas / Doorbell Mike played by Michael Faigenblum, Bella, played by Julie Hoverson, Kelvin, played by Kim Turner, The Vestal by Megan Lane and finally Retributo by Jerry Bennett.
Not for the faint of heart or for listening to after dark
If you liked these stories by 19 Nocturne Blvd, you can find more of Julie Hoverson’s work at
And if you want to keep listening to the hidden gems found Fictional Cafe, continue to listen to us on our Audio Arts page.