August 16, 2024

3 Poems by Josh Young

3 Poems by Josh Young

*Featured image courtesy of Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash*

We have an excellent selection of poems for you this week by the poet, Josh Young. He claims to be new to writing, but after reading these poems, he certainly has the makings of a talented writer. Take a look at them below.

Violence on TV 

Violence is acceptable on TV  

Dead bodies mangled by war 

Charred corpses of an accident 

Bloody remains of a murder 

Nudity is not acceptable  

Naked bodies are disgusting  

According to TV censors  

Except on certain channels  

Nipples and areolas exposed  

Cannot be tolerated  

It goes against our morals  

Our morals for wholesome TV 

Full of violence  

Full of blood  

Full of gore  

But free from nudity  

Phone Addiction  

the opium high  

of the screen’s soft glow 

electronic endorphins  

are pumped into  

my brain  

between my other more 

notable addictions 

of alcohol and nicotine  

the comfort of 

a blackbox and soft glow 

of a screen is  

the most 


fingers tap 

knees shake without  

my electronic high  


I’ll sleep on the sidewalk  

tonight, hard concrete  

against my back, rough surface 

scratching my hands and legs,  

as I gaze up at the sky 

ants crawl all over me. I  

will become one of them,  

digging tunnels with my fellow  

drones, only venturing out  

to bring the queen ant food, 

I look up at the stars, so far away, 

so much greater than myself, just  

as I am so much greater than the  

ants, but less great than the mountains 

for which some of was ground to make  

this sidewalk 

Josh Young is a poet and writer from Richmond VA. He is fairly new to writing and has only had a few poems published in small magazines. In addition to writing poetry, Josh Young also does open mics and slam poetry. His instagram is @rvajosh. 

#Entertainment#Josh Young#poetry#Society#Thoughtful