*Featured image courtesy of Ian Kiragu on Unsplash*
Ndaba Sibanda is a skilled poet who writes lines that are both intelligent and emotional. Take a look at his excellent poems below.
Doors Of Justice
a loss of mental faculties
for a ruthless street robber
and an infamous killer
got tongues wagging-
with many citizens
claiming karma
had finally knocked
on the doors of justice
Ours Is An Unbreakable Love
Your gains are the pains of villains,
Your grins come in several scopes,
I really revere your super sunrises,
but Beautiful Beloved, I’ve requests
despite your stunning, seemly sunsets.
You’re the nub of love and custody.
You’re not just any other landscape,
for at the core of our link is a bold bond.
Ours is durable, divine, dear and decisive.
Though I can live yonder, it’s no wonder
that no soul or silver can take me out of you.
Homeland, I adore your grand daybreaks,
our tie boasts an unbreakable placenta,
yet periodic press releases of the miseries
and losses of African migrants and fleers
in shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea
break my heart and leave me with queries.
What happened to human intellect,
to a sense of love, empathy and sympathy?
Souls who need profound exorcisms and baptisms
are those who have fouled and failed you, dear place
of birth of humanity, polite place of my pride and placenta?
Who are at the centre of your victimization and deprivation?
Unappeasable plundering, prejudicial political pirates and parasites?
Africa are you still stung, sapped, suckled by the parodies
and pretenses of puppets and the rank relics of colonialists?
Drained to death by covetous, corrupt rogues, you rise.
The muddlers and murderers cannot have the last laugh.
Who has made you smell, sound and look like this:
measly, unmotherly, unlivable, unloving and all?
Who is fooling who with that fallacy and foulness?
Who has speckled you with that soot and that rot?
That is a titanic, tragic travesty and tall tale.
It is not you at all and has never been you,
it is the graft of desirous, damaging rapists.
Are you not the most beautiful and blessed
thing that has ever happened to humanity?
Are you not the scent and star of the future?
I have humble requests because my brothers
and sisters hunger for normality and respites.
I have appeals for a demonstration of humanity,
for a full paradigm shift, for a fair of fairness
and conscience, for sanity and responsibility
from those who are chasing away our relations,
thereby triggering terrible tragedies and woes.
May there be a sustainable future for the youth.
May hope glow and grow on the African horizons.
May African populations realize and feel options,
a sense of direction, devotion, progress and care.
May they experience the dignity, diversity, beauty
and the capacity of their communities and countries.
May they feel cherished, loved, and live their dreams.
May they live abundant lives bestowed on their land.
The Urge
when the sleepy farmer’s ears
were indulged by the rustlings
of the wind and the pattering
of the rain, did her eyes peel in
anticipation of a bumper harvest?
when she had borrowed books
from the nearby library did
she feel the urge to crawl
back into bed and read
all day long?

Sibanda is a Bulawayo-born poet, novelist and nonfiction writer who has authored thirty published books of various genres and persuasions and coauthored more than 100 published books. Some of Ndaba`s works are found or forthcoming in Page & Spine, Piker Press , SCARLET LEAF REVIEW , Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Pangolin Review, Kalahari Review, Botsotso, The Ofi Press Magazine, Hawaii Pacific Review, Deltona Howl, The song is, JONAH magazine, Saraba Magazine, Poetry Potion, Saraba Magazine, The Borfski Press, East Coast Literary Review and Whispering Prairie Press. Sibanda has received the following nominations: the national arts merit awards (NAMA), the Mary Ballard Poetry Chapbook Prize, the Best of the Net Prose and the Pushcart Prize.
Links: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Ndaba-Sibanda/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ANdaba+Sibanda