Welcome to 2016 at the Fictional Café! Thanks for sipping along with us into our third year of operation. We’d also like to thank our friend Lloyd Prentice for his Christmas fiction last month. It’s great to hear from our Featured Writers, Poets, Artists and Photographers, whether it’s for an interview, a fun little snippet of what they do, an invitation to a reading or an exhibition they’re in or for a guest blog.
We are ringing in the new year with some great creative work, so let’s get right to it. First up, is our January Featured Writer John Martinson. His novella Who Done Me In? is part sci-fi, part detective story. He creates a whole new world and invites you and your imagination to come along for the ride on this five-parter story.
Next, we have our Featured Photographer, Jasmine Stirling. These photos, hand-picked from her site, are based on themes both visual and social. Though she’s based on the west coast, these photos come from all over the globe.
We have some news on the Podcasts front that we are excited to bring you. This month, we wrap up the final chapters of Madrone, Jack’s second Nathaniel Hawthorne Flowers novel. What a long, strange trip it’s been, as Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead would say, but we’re looking forward to the third novel, Anarchy, when Jack finishes it. In the meantime, Jack’s going to find other really interesting podcast novels at our friend Evo Terra’s website, podiobooks.com (Where both Wild Blue Yonder and, soon Madrone, are also available in a complete download). These new podcasts will begin in February. We’ll provide a few sample chapters for you to listen to. If you like what you hear, you can get the entire novel at Podiobooks. We think listening to podcasts is finally becoming the Next Big Thing and want to be on the forefront, keeping you abreast of interesting works. Please feel free to drop us a note at [email protected] with your special requests!
— Your Baristas