February 26, 2017

Free Coffee, Anyone?

Free Coffee, Anyone?

Dear fellow Fictional Café members: You may recall the recent posts about my trip to Taiwan and the story of Dante Coffee, our sister coffee shop in Taipei.

In one of the posts I asked, “Could a cup of home-brewed coffee from Dante in Taipei, Taiwan, be in your future?” Here is the answer!

While having my morning coffee at Wei Ni’s charming coffee shop I bought a box of six single-serve coffee pods, just so I could give them to you, our Fictional Cafe members, free!

These coffee pods are, in our American experience, rather unique. The pod hooks over the edge of your coffee cup [see below] and you pour steaming hot water through it, kind of  like steeping tea. It’s fun, even if you only get to do it once.

I have six Dante coffee pods and I would like to give you one, free. All you have to do is be one of the first six members to ask. Send me your physical address and I’ll mail one to you. I’ll enclose another free goodie, the Fictional Café sticker you can put on your computer, window, bumper, or wherever.

Did I mention FREE?

Please write me at my personal email address, [email protected], to get your free Dante coffee pod and Fictional Café sticker. I promise to keep your name and address absolutely private; no one will see it but me and I’ll delete your email as soon as I’ve addressed your envelope.

And as always, thanks for being a member of the Fictional Café. We’re really happy to have you.