March 2, 2018

Please Meet The Fictional Cafe Baristas!

Please Meet The Fictional Cafe Baristas!
Mike, Jack and Jason in a rare cross-country get-together – in a Boston coffee shop, of course.

We’ve recently introduced you to several new Baristas here at the Fictional Café. To honor and recognize their talents and achievements, and to thank them for their selfless, unremunerated contributions to our iconoclastic and utterly nonprofit coffee shop, we’ve put up a new page where you can meet all ten of us. You’ll get to see what we look like, what each of our special art interests are, and learn a little about us.

So without further adieu, please click on the BARISTAS tab on the menu bar, or click your mouse here to meet us.

As always, thanks for being a member of the FC Coffee Club! (And if you’re not, here’s your chance to sign up.)