November 3, 2024

COUNTRY, CURATORS & CONSTABLE: Political Thoughts & the Fitzwilliam Museum – By Steve Sangapore

COUNTRY, CURATORS & CONSTABLE: Political Thoughts & the Fitzwilliam Museum – By Steve Sangapore

Hampstead Heath | John Constable | 1820 | On Display at the Fitzwilliam Museum Steve Sangapore was recently featured on FC not too long ago, but with Election Day on the horizon for Americans, we felt like we needed to share this excellent piece as well. Like all of Steve’s previous pieces, he sparks a very insightful discussion on an incredibly complex topic. Take a look, and remember to vote if you haven’t already! I am a firm believer in the fundamental message of Dr. Martin Luther King. An individual’s character is the true measure of a human being, not our superficial branding that is a matter of the universe’s roll-of-dice like ethnicity, gender or place of birth. Our virtue, character and morality are what we have the power and freedom to control. Equally, I…

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February 28, 2024

“Between The Notes” by Steve Sangapore

“Between The Notes” by Steve Sangapore

*Featured image courtesy of Mike Castro Demaria on Unsplash* Let’s be honest: life can be hard. As artists we often create art as an outlet to relieve some of life’s stress, but what if this has the opposite effect? Read along for a transparent and insightful take from FC’s former Fine Art Barista Steve Sangapore, as he shares some of his struggles and discusses how taking a step back from creating helped with healing his mental health. The Value of Rests in the Music of Life Can art heal?  Yes. I believe that the creation and the consumption of art both have the power to heal, feed and improve the human soul and intellect. However, through firsthand discovery, I learned that there are indeed situations in life when the creation of art can not only lose…

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August 17, 2021

“(UN?) HOLY ALLIANCE” — Blog by Steve Sangapore

“(UN?) HOLY ALLIANCE” — Blog by Steve Sangapore

(UN?) HOLY ALLIANCE: Why the Titans of Science and Religion Continue to Clash As humankind advances into its increasingly globalized future, one of the most pressing existential issues of the modern age is the growing tension (and sometimes hostile sparring) between religious systems and the scientific enterprise. Tenants of religion would claim they have suffered blow after blow at the hands of faithless scientists with little regard for the killing of God. And that science, in its attempt to corner the market on truth and understanding, has belittled religion to a state of being little more than destructive dogma grounded in the parochial and patriarchal superstitions of iron-age peasants. Additionally, the scientific community often charges religion with being fantastical, anti-progress, radical, tribalistic, and even governmentally favored. Some would say that we need only to turn…

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January 27, 2021

An Artist’s Look Back at 2020 by Steve Sangapore

An Artist’s Look Back at 2020 by Steve Sangapore

New Beginnings & New Work Considering the wide-spread struggle, uncertainty and turmoil of 2020, I think many of us are exhaling a hopeful sigh of relief now that we are starting a fresh new year. While the right side of our brains have enjoyed quite a bit of activity this year contending with all of the chaos and unknown, the left sides have been patiently awaiting a return to stability, structure and predictability. Over the course of the last ten months of “the new normal,” I have enjoyed conversations with dozens of creative people, and unsurprisingly, I have heard many varying testimonials. Some have thrived during the months of shutdowns and quarantine, while others have had difficulty locking-in to productivity due to disrupted schedules and a lack of creative motivation and inspiration. But wherever your…

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September 10, 2020

What “God” Is: A Philosophical-Scientific Essay by Steve Sangapore

What “God” Is: A Philosophical-Scientific Essay by Steve Sangapore

Pictured Above:LIBERATION72″ x 48″ x 1.5″Oil, mirror, and 24k gold leaf on canvas2020 What God Is (WITHOUT THE WOO WOO) Why God is the Pursuit of Meaning The evolution of the concept of God is one of the oldest, deepest and most important developments to ever have risen out of the human psyche. Throughout almost every culture on Earth we have seen evidence of belief in the divine. The idea of God or a creating force has evolved from the earliest known manifestations represented as human-animal hybrids, to pantheons of intervening superhuman gods, to God as man made flesh on Earth, to more contemporary notions of God as the totality of the universe and its contents. Humans in their desire for answers to life’s most pressing questions have creatively reimagined and transformed God over the…

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July 1, 2020

Former FC Art Barista Steve Sangapore Interview

Former FC Art Barista Steve Sangapore Interview

Today we are sharing an interview with former Fictional Café Visual Art Barista Steve Sangapore. Fountain Street Gallery, located in SOWA the artistic hub of Boston, presents this interview in their series LIVE AT FIVE on Instagram.  LIVE AT FIVE features a 30 minute interview of Boston based artist Steve Sangapore who will talk with Tatiana Flis about art, life, and his most recent painting series titled New Eden. You can follow Steve on Instagram at @stevesangapore. INFO:WEDNESDAY, JULY 01, 2020  |  5:00–5:30 PM EasternLIVE AT FIVE w/Fountain Street GalleryJOIN US ON INSTAGRAM LIVE@fountainstreetgallery

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September 21, 2019

“My Year in Art,” by Steve Sangapore

“My Year in Art,” by Steve Sangapore

After graduating from college in 2013 with a degree in art, I spent the next five years maintaining a sharp focus on honing my craft as a painter. Countless studio hours were matched with even more time pursuing opportunities, schmoozing with gallerists, and making my presence known within Boston’s, and the greater Northeast’s, vibrant art communities. While each year yielded great leaps in my technical dexterity and academic proficiency as a painter, the art was virtually devoid of the most important component that separates art from craft . . . and I just couldn’t see it. Or, perhaps I could see it—I just didn’t want to. The debates between, “what is good art” and “what is or can be art” have been raging on for years – particularly since the mid-19th century with the birth…

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July 3, 2018

Virtuality: Steve Sangapore’s Skateboard Art

Virtuality: Steve Sangapore’s Skateboard Art

Congratulations to Steve Sangapore, our Visual Arts barista, for his new line of Skateboard Art! Steve has had a passion for skateboarding since he was a kid, so combining it with his artistic talents was a perfect blend. His foray into selling his art in a totally different way than most painters gives him a new audience for his work and a new outlet for his work to be on display. Below you can see preview photos of his new work. You can buy his Virtuality series of skateboard decks online or in stores in Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Click any image to enlarge.     Steve Sangapore is the Visual Arts barista at the Fictional Café. His paintings and new skateboard decks can be found on his website. You can follow him on…

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April 11, 2018

Congratulations to Barista Steve Sangapore!

Congratulations to Barista Steve Sangapore!

    We’re proud to announce that Steve Sangapore, FC’s Fine Arts Barista, has his work on exhibition in “Creature,” a new multi-artist show at the Long Island City Arts Open Gallery at The Factory. The exhibition is open now – 24/7!! – and runs through May 11, 2018.  Learn more here, but the pictures tell more of a story. Best of all, go see it in person at The Factory, 30-30 47th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101. Congratulations, Steve!        

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February 11, 2018

Introducing Steve Sangapore, FC’s New Visual Arts Barista

Introducing Steve Sangapore, FC’s New Visual Arts Barista

We’re incredibly proud to introduce Steve Sangapore, our new visual arts barista. Steve is a contemporary surrealist painter based in Boston, MA. He is a 2013 graduate of Albertus Magnus College in New Haven, CT, where he earned a dual-B.A. in studio art and graphic design. His interest in science and philosophy has been the driving force behind much of his latest work. His incredibly unique, awe-inspired view on those topics has led his paintings to be exhibited nationally and published in art magazines and journals, including Art Business News, Creative Quarterly, Artscope, and  Art Reveal Magazine. You can see how widely his art has been on public view at his website About page. Several of  Steve’s works appear beneath his Artist’s Statement. We’re looking forward to him introducing new artists and perspectives on the visual arts to you,…

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