About The Fictional Cafe
Mike, Jason and Jack, are your Fictional Café baristas. They created this online sharing forum for those who are as passionate as they are about the arts. Each brings a unique background and vision to the cafe.
About Jack
Jack B. Rochester is the founder of The Fictional Cafe. He grew up in South Dakota and Wyoming, and graduated from California State University at Sonoma (when it was still Sonoma State College) with a Master’s degree in English and Comparative Literature. He has worked in publishing his whole grownup life (if, indeed, he can be called a grownup) and is author of a bunch of books, including the national bestseller The Naked Computer (William Morrow, 1983). He self-published his breakout novel, Wild Blue Yonder, in 2011, which is currently available as a downloadable podiobook on this site. The sequel, Madrone, was published in 2014 by Wheatmark. His writing and editorial services company, Joshua Tree Interactive, celebrated its 30th anniversary on April 15, 2013. Jack’s favorite activities are reading, writing, bicycling, snowshoeing, and drinking insanely great coffee. Contact him at [email protected]

About Jason
Jason Brick cut his teeth in professional writing by creating web content, ad copy and business documents during his decade of managing and owning small businesses. Since going full-time as a writer, he’s helped individuals complete their Great American Novels, experts craft excellent nonfiction platforms, and businesses grow by writing engaging online content. He speaks regularly about writing at national business conferences, and about business at national writing conferences. His own book, Mastering the Business of Writing, hit #1 in its category as an Amazon bestseller. When not writing, Jason enjoys martial arts, travel, cooking and tabletop games. He lives in Oregon with his wife and two sons. Coming Home (Book 1 of The Bushido Chronicles), a young adult novel, was published in March, 2014, by Bree Noa Publishing Co. His latest publishing endeavor is Baby Shoes: A Flash Fiction Anthology, featuring 100 works of fiction, each under 1,000 words in length, by 100 authors. Contact him at [email protected]
About Mike
Mike Mavilia is the Head Barista at the Fictional Café, and he has a secret: he doesn’t drink coffee. But he does drink tea, so we think he brings a new perspective to the goings-on in the Fictional Café. When he’s not knee deep in submissions, he does developmental editing and ghostwriting for nonfiction authors. In his work as a freelance writer, he helps authors and businesses create a unique and marketable brand. He also brings his management and networking skills from his many years of work in the nonprofit sector. Mike graduated from Bowdoin College and is a passionate writer and reader. When he’s not buried in a book, he’s playing his guitar, hockey, or exploring the wilderness of Maine or New Hampshire. He’s been working on a collection of short stories and is a fan of 20th-century American authors, including Raymond Carver, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner. A native New Englander, Mike lives in Boston. Contact him at [email protected]