September 17, 2021

“Agonal Dreams,” A Post-Apocalyptic Audio Drama

“Agonal Dreams,” A Post-Apocalyptic Audio Drama

Who’s ready to get a head start on our Halloween fun with a little “Agonal Dreams” by Courtney Holloway? Due to the immense amount of submissions that we have received in the spirit of the spookiest holiday of the year, we will be kicking off our own Fictional Café celebration a little early. 

However, I should warn our listeners that due to the horror genre of this audio production, these are episodes not for the faint of heart, and should probably not be listened to if you have problems with EXPLICIT CONTENT and VIOLENCE. We are posting them in order to celebrate Halloween by sharing the scariest stories we can find. With that in mind, I would like to present : The Beginning of the End, a three-part series.

 The Beginning Of The End

Three surviving humans embark on a post-apocalyptic trek through the former United States in search for a better life. Now that the world has officially ended, they face deadly weather, murderous living dead, and most challenging of all . . . getting along.

Trigger Warnings: Explicit content, Violence, Descriptions of Death

Voice actors: Journey Brown Saintel, Andrew Quintero, Emily Husband, Esther Paine, Chidumebi Njoku-Browne, Sarah Call, Sandra Lisiewski, Eric Michael Grant, Priyanka Lalwani, Rafael Puga Velega, Greg Thomas, Nicholas Watson, Michelle Kane

The Beginning Of The End II

Kat, Adrian, Jenny and newcomer Ravi must work together to defend against, yet another Basher attack they are not prepared for. They must also come to terms with continued loss in the new world.

Trigger Warnings:  Explicit content, Child Abduction, Addiction

Voice actors: Journey Brown Saintel, Andrew Quintero, Emily Husband, Esther Paine, Chidumebi Njoku-Browne, Allegra Rodriguez Shivers, Greg Thomas, Michelle Kane

The Beginning Of The End III

Tensions continue to increase as another new member joins the group. Adrian’s temper gets them into trouble when they reach Biloxi, Mississippi and they find themselves face to face with yet another enemy.

Trigger Warnings: Explicit,  Mental Illness, Gun Violence

Voice actors: Journey Brown Saintel, Andrew Quintero, Emily Husband, Esther Paine, Chidumebi Njoku-Browne, Allegra Rodriguez Shivers, Geena Pietromonaco, Greg Thomas, Christopher Power, Nicholas Watson

Sound Design: Christopher Jarvis at the Radio Theatre Workshop

Original Music: Bradley Parsons

Agonal Dreams

We hope you enjoyed these terrifying tales by Courtney Holloway. Agonal Dreams is a  long-form horror/sci-fi audio drama featuring a group of survivors after the fall of modern civilization. If you would like to find more episodes, you can find them on their website and on podbean.

And if you don’t enjoy this particular podcast, check out our Audio Arts page. We have plenty more to tickle your fancy! We’ll be posting new Halloween Spooky Stories in two weeks, Friday at 7PM. So don’t change that dial!

Agonal Dreams
#agonal dreams#audio arts#audio drama#courtney holloway#post apocalyptic#Ruby Fink