Your baristas are delighted to announce the winners of our contest for the first Fictional Café Anthology:
Genre Fiction
1st Place: Bill McStowe, “Love What You Find”
2nd Place: Beth Roper, “Ghost of an Idea”
3rd Place: David Sharp, “Lucy’s Monster”
Literary Fiction
1st Place: Mindy Windholz, “Mirabilis”
2nd Place: Jenny Cokeley, “A Daisy by Any Other Name”
3rd Place: Amy Rivers, “Death and the Glutton”
1st Place: Suman Chatterjee, “A Beautiful Mind”
2nd Place: Allison Whitbeck, “Eyes”
3rd Place: Judith Manzoni Ward, “Sunday Morning Dreamscape”
First place winners will receive our beautiful new FC coffee mug.
Second and third place winners will receive a FC baseball hat.
All winners will be featured in our forthcoming anthology, which is scheduled for publication April 15, 2018.
IMPORTANT: To receive your awards, please send an email with your mailing address to [email protected]
Thank you to all who participated in the contest. We hope you had as much fun seeing it unfold as we baristas did.
Special thanks to Jason Brick and Melanie Marston for making this contest happen. It was no mean feat, and took a lot of time. We are grateful for your many hours of work and computer skills in making this contest happen. Thank you, thank you!