“Malevolent” is an H.P. Lovecraft-esque thriller audio drama by Harlan Guthrie. Arkham Private Investigator, Arthur Lester wakes up with no memory of who he is, with a strange, eerie voice to guide him through the darkness. Blind, terrified, and confused, his journey begins with a series of mysteries to solve: How is he going to navigate the world without the use of his sight? What was he doing before he lost his memory? And how is he going to stay alive long enough to figure out what happened? Malevolent follows Arkham Investigator Arthur Lester as he unravels the mysterious circumstances that have befallen him. In part 2 Arthur encounters a mysterious girl who sets him on a path to finding her. . .though that path may be a dark and treacherous one. During this final…
“Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars”
Hello, Fictional Cafe Listeners! Penumbra Podcast is back again! Because you all seemed to enjoy it so much last time, we’re bringing you another story of that eccentric man from the future…who also seems stuck in the past. This time: Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars. If everyone is ready, we’re going to follow Juno Steel, a brooding, sharp-witted private eye on Mars, as he tangles with an elusive homme fatale, tracks dangerous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization, and faces his three greatest fears: heights, blood, and relationships. Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars (Pt. 1) http://www.thepenumbrapodcast.com/s1e4-juno-steel-and-the-prince-of-mars-p1 After an explosive murder case gone wrong, Detective Juno Steel is in the market for some slower work. His next client promises something quiet: a routine find-the-cheating-husband job. Well… it should be routine. Should be, being…
“Another Shade of Crime” A Podcast by James Hayes
How does a man survive 80 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit? What’s the true story about Hurricane Katrina? Why did 9-year-old Asha Degree pack a bag in the middle of a stormy night and disappear? And how did serial killer Samuel Little kill 80 people without the police finding out? These are the stories you won’t find on other podcasts. The stories that often go unnoticed. The victims that are lost to time. Producer and Writer James Hayes, Sound Engineer and Co-Producer Liam O’Brien, and Host Carl Ellis Grant will answer these questions in Another Shade of Crime. A monthly true-crime podcast about crimes committed to and by people of color. Because crime does not discriminate. Episode 1: This is a story about the 1976 trial of Ronnie Long for burglary…
“The Encounter,” A Collegiate Audio Drama
Produced by The School of Visual and Performing Arts at Liberty University, The Encounter is a serialized radio drama that introduces its audience to two seemingly utopian societies. However, for a few young people the search for perfection and a greater truth lies just beyond their borders. Written by Jordon Jarrett, Colton Grellier, Kim Camancho and Phillip Sitterding, the story follows Picasso (Neal Brasher), Violet (Hannah Glavin), Stylus (Cody Carwile) and many more talented voice actors on a journey of introspective discovery. Episode 1: Learn about one of the mountaintop cities–the Peak of Defiance. Picasso (Neal Brasher) hears a lovely song that haunts him, allowing him to see a vision of a third city that no one else can see. In Defiance, learn how the city runs and meet Ultraviolet (Hannah Glavin) and Stylus (Cody Carwile). Ultraviolet…
“The Loser,” An Audio Adventure by Strange/Love
“The Loser” is a fantasy-sci-fi story from Strange/Love, an audio fiction anthology created, written and Produced by William J. Meyer. While most podcasters out there develop their episodes to follow either a certain theme or storyline over the course of their “season,” Strange/Love prefers to release audio short stories of various genres with different voice actors. For example: “The Loser.” Jordon has always been the girl on the outside, listening to the police cruiser radio with her Mom and dreaming of being a dinosaur. But one weekend she is invited to a sleepover with the richest girls in town. For just one weekend, Jordan hopes to be accepted into the cool girls’ circle. But unfortunately for Jordan, the girls have something else planned. Unfortunately for the girls, Jordan has a trick up her sleeve as…
“Anansi Chronicles,” An Audio Drama by Chad Sterling
“Sacrifice, is what makes a God great.” This is the first sentence that starts off the in-depth podcast that is the Anansi Chronicles by Chad Sterling. Unlike most stories that are created from the somewhat-crazed minds of their writers, (and this barista includes herself in that category of crazy as well), Sterling instead has gone out to unearth and display stories that were told for centuries around campfires, but over time have been forgotten or hidden. The first episode starts as a god leaves his kingdom in search of stories. Some time later, after Asa the witch is taken, Kamau the Obayifo undertakes a perilous journey to the ‘new world’. In episode two, Kamau undertakes a blood search for Asa. In episode three, history reads directly from the rare document written by the witch Asa…
“19 Nocturne Blvd” by Julie Hoverson
Fictional Cafe is starting off this month with TWO award-winning stories written by the talented Julie Hoverson of 19 Nocturne Blvd! First up, The Outpost. What would you do if you woke up in a strange place that is nothing like your home planet, a million light years from home? Follow Vanessa 98949 as she navigates the bizarre world she wakes up in. This amazing audio drama won the 2008 Mark Time Award for Best Science Fiction. And of course this show would be nothing without the incredible cast bringing the story alive! Grant Hickey – Gene ThorkildsenVanessa 98949 – Julie HoversonLassiter – Russell GoldYasmin – Melissa D. JohnsonRecorder – Beverly Poole ** Next on the award-winning list, The Rookie, which won the Mark Time Award for Science Fiction in 2009. This one features a…
“Neon Nights: The Arcane Files of Jack Tracer,” Audio Drama
From the writer’s desk of Rachel Craig and Will Snyder comes Neon Nights: The Arcane Files of Jack Tracer, a hard-boiled private eye with a taste for mystery and a thirst for justice. Alone he stands in the moras of life that is the city of Neon Nights, ready to fight those who live within the shadows. In this first episode, Jack Tracer is hired by a young woman who asks him to investigate the strange behavior of her younger brother. Jack meets a beautiful femme fatale named Red and togather they uncover a dark secret! In this second episode, Jack and Red have begun their investigation of Nicholas Rothschild, interviewing both his mother, Lydia Rothschild, and his professor, Thomas Cardella, who also happens to be an old beau of Red’s. Nick on the other…
Sherlock Holmes Read by Greg Wagland
Sherlock Holmes is a character that has intrigued and attracted the masses since Sir Arthur Conan Doyle first published A Study in Scarlet in 1887. Since then, it has been adapted for radio, stage and television, the story of London’s only consulting detective and his steadfast and loyal partner, Dr. Watson, accumulating more and more fans with every generation. Now with all those books, TV shows, cassette tapes, operettas, parodies, games, movies, and comics of the world’s most iconic mystery duo, that should be enough material for most Sherlockian fanatics, right? Well, let me add one more option to the pile. For the traditional, classic lover, here is Sherlock Holmes read by Greg Wagland of Magpie Audio, sharing all your favorite stories on YouTube for free!! “The Copper Beeches” on YouTube. “The Yellow Face” on…
Storyteller Foundation Calls to the Children of the World!
Children of the World! Storyteller foundation is looking for drawings from you, wonderful children, to use in The Dreaming Tree Project which will be released after June 24th. The Dreaming Tree Project is first and foremost a book, written by Ruby Fink, but drawings from you will be added as illustrations not only to the book, but possibly to the audio/web video which is also being produced. The Storyteller Foundation is a non-profit organization, and the book, The Dreaming Tree, as well as any additional material, is intended to be a gift to the children of the world, not only to those who live through this quarantine, but also those who come after. RULES FOR ALL CHILDREN WHO PARTICIPATE! Children must be 12 or under to enter. Drawings must be from the list of options…