Bird Woman, Saacajawea is a magical realism, multi-episode AI video podcast drama series, is set in the early West. Sacajawea, discovers her shape-shifting powers as; part Woman & part Eagle. She fights alongside the Expeditioners making heart-wrenching choices between the Native world & Clark’s world, discovering her full powers & true destiny on our Expedition, as Bird Woman.
Sacajawea a Shoshoni young woman is captured, pregnant & living among the Mandan tribe when Lewis & Clark Expedition arrives.
They are looking for a translator when the expedition winters at the reservation. When the tribal elders persuade Captain Clark, they must take pregnant Sacajawea & her scurrilous, French fur trader husband, Charbonneau, the Captains are shocked. The chiefs clarify they will need to trade with the Shoshoni for horses for there is no waterway across the Rocky Mountains. The Mandan Chiefs reveal Sacajawea, a Shoshoni, is living among them. Lewis and Clark will need help from her, the Shoshone, to lead them over the mountains. Charbonneau drags Sacajawea to meet Lewis & Clark.
Sacajawea relives her capture as an adolescent by a warring tribe in the mountains. Taken east to the Mandans. Sacajawea is befriended by a Hawk who foretells her new powers.
Sacajawea yearns to find her mother in the Mountains. The Expeditioners are stunned that they must now take a young Indian woman & her baby on a military expedition. She is befriended by York. She relives her capture as an adolescent by a warring tribe in the mountains and taken east to the Mandan Tribe.
As a young girl, she relives her capture, trade, and abuse.
Sacajawea is befriended by a Hawk who foretells her new powers. The Hawk makes contact with her to have faith.
If you enjoyed listening to Bird Woman, Saacajawea by Lynn Rogoff check out the rest of her episodes on her website and Spotify. And as always, if this isn’t to your taste, check out the other episodes on Fictional Cafe’s Audio Arts Page. We have something new, every other week at 7PM, EST. So don’t change that dial!