Great news from Jason Brick, our Anthology Barista, who’s been working hand over fist to get this incredible Fictional Cafe Anthology Contest going for your favorite authors and artists. It begins tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 26! Here’s a brief intro, with more details tomorrow.
At long last, the Fictional Café writing contest is launching! Here’s how it works.
For the next month and a half, each weekday will feature a contest between two submissions: fiction, poetry, and art. When it a contestant’s day to compete, they will receive a link in an email.
Contestants click that link and are taken to a website with their story and another contestant’s story.
FC Coffee Club members, FC visitors and just about anybody else you can think of gets to vote for which work they like the best. Contestants will send out mixed media messages encourage you to click on a link to vote. So please tell your friends to vote for your favorites!
Each contest is only up for 48 hours, so you have to act quickly. The more votes a contestant gets, the more likely they are to win.
Winners, of course, go on to the next round. And the next, and the next, and so on until we have our winners.
As you might remember, the top winners will see their work published in our first-ever combined print and Kindle book.
There’s one more contest once this one has ended, which we’re inviting everybody to enter: Naming our new Fictional Cafe anthology. More about that in the near future.
Please feel free to email me at this address if you have any questions.
Good luck, contestants! For the rest of you, please support your favorite creative works!