“Counterbalance” by Blighthouse Studio is a high fantasy audio drama set in a world disrupted by a catastrophic tear in the magical weave. This rupture allows malevolent spirits to invade the mortal realm, threatening its very existence. The story follows three protagonists, each with unique abilities and secrets, united in their perilous quest to repair the fabric of magic. Along the way, they face trials that test their strength, resolve, and trust, all while uncovering a deeper mystery: who or what caused the tear? As they delve into a world of ancient secrets and magical conflict, each revelation brings new dangers, forcing them to confront choices that could restore balance—or plunge their world into chaos. Aþæanuka – 95th day of Bäkkos, 5th year of the Vær, 101st Generation The journey to the Skundr begins—a perilous…
“Ashes to Ashes” by Brian O’Dea
*Featured image courtesy of MiVargof on Pixabay* We start off strong this week with a very unique piece from Brian O’Dea. “Ashes to Ashes” is Brian’s first work on FC, and I sincerely hope he creates another great piece for us to read in the future. Ashley Fetterman When she checked ‘yes’ on the note I slid into her locker, I knew I’d finally found the feeling all the songs and movies promised. Before Christmas break, we were married behind the swing sets in sacred preteen ritual before our teary eyed classmates. Her blue eyes watered as we swore to one another to always share our snacks, to always sit by one another in assembly, and to never let a teacher, principal, or any power pry our hands apart. After just one semester of elementary…
Three Poems by Roger Singer
*Featured image courtesy of Michelle_Raponi on Pixabay* Hello FC readers! We’re coming back from the Thanksgiving holiday with three excellent poems from Roger Singer. Roger excels at writing immersive lines that really captivate the reader. Don’t just take my word for it, have a look below! MIDNIGHT DINER fogged windows low lights strangers in and out wooden booths aged vinyl cigarette stains on tables edge unmatched silverware yesterday’s coffee paper towel napkins ketchup fingerprints on the menu the waitress torn hairnet stained apron name tag upside down it’s a harbor for the lost and alone MOTEL ROOM #13 the key turned to the right the door knob to the left a strong aroma walked slowly out the door of the unkept room shattered sunlight coursed through a torn curtain the only window bandaged with black…
Does Not Want the Hill to Die
Featured Image photo courtesy of Mandana-r at en.wikipedia A Short Story by Fereshteh Rostami We’re pleased to introduce a new voice from Iran to our international Coffee Club membership. Fereshteh Rostami’s native language is Persian, but she wrote this transcendent story in English . . . with a little editorial help from her husband. “Does Not Want the Hill to Die” is a very contemporary narrative, yet one which explores some of the oldest and most fundamental issues humans confront: the nature of life, the delicacy of our relationships with other people, and our responsibility to the land on which we live. Does Not Want the Hill to Die Forestgirl knows that she is gnawed bit by bit; not just her, everything, from the time she was a little girl, she knew. That time things…
“Armageddon Series” Season 2! By Terry Tibke
As much fun as it is to dive into new stories (and, let’s be honest, get totally lost in them), it’s just as thrilling to welcome back ones we already know and love. So, even if I’m a bit late to the party (sorry, Terry—I swear I’ll get my timing right someday), I’m excited to present The Armageddon Series, Season 2! I didn’t create this audio adventure, but I’m more than happy to be your enthusiastic tour guide through the mayhem. Season 2 promises just as much fun, drama, and apocalyptic chaos as the first—if not more. So, whether you’re revisiting or tuning in for the first time, brace yourself. The end of the world has never been so entertaining! On a planet of feuding dragon tribes, a young dragonrider named Turim Gliderlance has become…
Five Poems by James Cole
*Featured Image courtesy of Aaron Burden on Unsplash.com* This week we have James Cole in his first appearance on FC. James combines his unique style with clever and thoughtful word play. We hope to see more of his work in the future! What would you wonder if wondering was free? What would you wonder if wondering was free? Would you wander in widdershins with stark jubilee? Would you invest in smart rhetoric and declare no designs, and make certain statements your heart undermines? If wonder was easy and you could spare its expense would you wonder like Arp and eschew common sense? If wonder went on sale with a bright yellow tag could you wonder like bread in a shelf-stable bag? If you wondered with warranty and budgeted first would you save your receipts and…
“Punching Out” by Jenni Stukin and Ruby Fink
It’s been a while since I promoted my own work, but “Punching Out” was a fun project that I think people might enjoy. Although Halloween has come and gone, there’s no reason we can’t extend the spooky vibes a bit longer, right? So, what possessed me to join the 11th Hour Challenge this year? Honestly, I’m still trying to figure that out. It’s a special form of insanity to voluntarily add more work to an already full schedule, but for some reason, I thought, “Why not?” The challenge? Team up with new people, whip out a 30-page story in a month, and somehow try to survive with some semblance of sanity. Spoiler alert: sanity was not on the final list of accomplishments. It was wildly stressful, and my caffeine intake reached legally questionable levels. But…
COUNTRY, CURATORS & CONSTABLE: Political Thoughts & the Fitzwilliam Museum – By Steve Sangapore
Hampstead Heath | John Constable | 1820 | On Display at the Fitzwilliam Museum Steve Sangapore was recently featured on FC not too long ago, but with Election Day on the horizon for Americans, we felt like we needed to share this excellent piece as well. Like all of Steve’s previous pieces, he sparks a very insightful discussion on an incredibly complex topic. Take a look, and remember to vote if you haven’t already! I am a firm believer in the fundamental message of Dr. Martin Luther King. An individual’s character is the true measure of a human being, not our superficial branding that is a matter of the universe’s roll-of-dice like ethnicity, gender or place of birth. Our virtue, character and morality are what we have the power and freedom to control. Equally, I…
Radio . . . What? RadioGAGA!
Philip Gabbard returns to Fictional Cafe with a new creative fiction project: a film treatment based upon a very popular song from the 1990s. Phil is a create-preneur of many talents and interests and we’re always interested in his work. He’s written creative nonfiction, THISday: Words for the Venerable and the Vulnerable, and Thrivation: The Everlasting Philosophy of Providence + Privilege. He penned (on his MacBook Pro) Every Saint, Every Sinner, a novel about his spiritual experiences. He produced and directed an extraordinary video based on the life and death of an archetypal Hispanic woman called La Llorona. Phil is beholden to Freddy Mercury and Queen for the inspiration to write about radio. More specifically, the rise and nowadays the fall of radio broadcasting. With the rise of television, its demise was probably inevitable. TV…