December 3, 2017

Charlotte Madézo’s Paintings: Flights of Fancy

Charlotte Madézo’s Paintings: Flights of Fancy
Galerie ZonZon is featuring Charlotte Madézo’s paintings this month. Charlotte’s work portrays everyday scenes tinged with  delightful surrealism. These paintings portray flights of fancy – or, perhaps, fantasy if you prefer – elegantly embodied by the lanky characters which give her work at once a sense of humor and poetry. Each one is like a mischievous children’s tale where the artist creates the magic that makes her paintings so special.
Artist’s statement: “My luminous universe evolves between sea and garden in an incessant search for harmony and balance. Invention of an imaginary and colorful world nourished by Mediterranean stopovers where fantastic characters come alive, even surrealistic, playing on curves, reliefs and various collages. Colors, shapes and materials, treated in unexpected shortcuts, propose a world free from the constraints that we usually impose on the weight of being, jostling our approach to space and time.”
 Please click on the images for a full screen view.
 The Rabbit Reads
Girl Band
Fanciful Flight
Time for A Cookout
Submarine Cafe
Wren Ranch
Tea with the Mad Hatter
Cabanas at the Beach
Picnic beneath an Accommodating Tree
Charlotte Madézo is a French artist born in 1962 in Brittany. In an attempt to reconcile her marine ancestors with her training as an agronomist, she calls for water and land in her paintings. Charlotte lives in Rezé, Brittany, near the eastern coast of France.