Many thanks to Steve Sangapore, our Visual Arts Barista, for introducing all of us to Emily Brodrick’s dynamic, colorful textile art. Emily graduated from Hampshire College in 2014 where her study of fiber art culminated in a solo show titled “Why Color Makes Me Giggle.” Her knitted and crocheted works are often repetitive, vibrantly colorful, with an organic feel. With them, she explores themes such as gender stereotypes, craft traditions, functionality and play. She is currently exhibiting in the Neoteric Abstract Art VI show at the Limner Gallery in Manhattan.
Emily’s Artist Statement: “After 4 years of primarily working in fiber, over the past year or so my work has become steadily less textile-focused. I have been trying to deconstruct my practice to understand what drives my need to create on a psychological level and to challenge myself to convey my ideas without relying on one very charged material. Lately, I have been exploring other historically craft mediums such as cut-paper and ceramics and thinking about the relationship between economic and social classes and what is considered craft – “low art” and art – “high art.” Very recently, I began a series of cut-paper “doilies.” Similar to my crocheted work, I am playing with bold colors and intricate patterning, so it is a continuation of the textile. . ..”
Please click on the images for a larger view.
Reclaimed, natural and synthetic yarn, metal, plastic, tape, installation, 2017;
Below, Reclaimed detail
Canopy, cut paper and acrylic paint, 66″x32″x25″, 2017
Below, Canopy closeup
Souvenir, knitted and crocheted natural and synthetic yarns, paper and pens, installation, 2017;
Below, Souvenir detail
Emily Brodrick grew up in Long Island, New York. After graduating from Hampshire College, she worked for two years as an after school art specialist at Maud Morgan Visual Art Center in Cambridge, MA. In the fall of 2016 she was the curatorial intern at Gallery 263 in Cambridge. Recently, she has decided to dedicate her working hours to her Etsy business, Emily’s Living Rainbows. Emily’s work has been included in previous exhibitions throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Her most recent solo exhibition, Feminine Habitat, was at Groundwork in New Bedford, MA.