Hello everyone, we are excited to update you all on the forthcoming FC Anthology – our first print edition! We’ve begun book production, including layout, cover design and printing sources. For those of you familiar with self-publishing, you understand it’s a lot of work (and learning). This anthology will include the baristas’ handpicked “best of” from 2013 until 2017: the first five years of our existence. We’ll include short stories, novel excerpts, poetry and visual art from over 50 members!
I’m happy to report that we are moving along with the manuscript layout thanks to friend and fellow member of IPNE, Eddie Vincent of Encircle Publications. He has been working in book production and design for over 30 years! This will be the second Fictional Café Press book. We published the first, Where Are the Bones?, by FC member Harry P. Noble, Jr., in 2018.
Stay tuned for more updates on the FC Anthology as we get closer to publication!
— Mike