January 30, 2016

February Submissions: Hell’s Kitchen Freezes Over

February Submissions: Hell’s Kitchen Freezes Over

Editor’s Note: Storm season is upon us folks. If you happen to live in one of the states hit by Winter Storm Jonas, godspeed to you. Religion puns aside, it has been an eventful start to the new year. Mine started with a tribute to my alma mater’s mascot. We hope that yours has been joyous, or at least involved a good cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Here’s our lineup for our February Submissions.

Our first submission this month is from one of our Twitter friends, A. J. Sidransky. He writes crime fiction and in this two-parter short story we get a peek behind the curtain at police life. Find out what happens when it gets personal.

Next, we have a poetry collection from the talented Holly Guran. Holly’s poems are a blast from the past, taking the reader back to 19th century mill life. If you’re into historical pieces, this will be right up your alley.

Starting mid-moth is our new Podcast series. We hope you’ve enjoyed Founder Jack’s Nathaniel Hawthorne Flowers novels; he’s working with Evo Terra, founder of the Podiobooks website, to post a new pod-novel each month.

Stay tuned this month for an announcement about our Podcast series and a new contributor in our News, Reviews & Interviews section. Until then, enjoy our piping hot offerings!

— Your Baristas

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