July 3, 2018

Virtuality: Steve Sangapore’s Skateboard Art

Virtuality: Steve Sangapore’s Skateboard Art

Congratulations to Steve Sangapore, our Visual Arts barista, for his new line of Skateboard Art! Steve has had a passion for skateboarding since he was a kid, so combining it with his artistic talents was a perfect blend. His foray into selling his art in a totally different way than most painters gives him a new audience for his work and a new outlet for his work to be on display. Below you can see preview photos of his new work. You can buy his Virtuality series of skateboard decks online or in stores in Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Click any image to enlarge.     Steve Sangapore is the Visual Arts barista at the Fictional Café. His paintings and new skateboard decks can be found on his website. You can follow him on…

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June 3, 2018

Blake Brasher: Creating A Sense of Wonder

Blake Brasher: Creating A Sense of Wonder

Blake Brasher is a visual artist working in mixed media painting and installation. His colorful abstractions are reflections on the nature of reality and what it is like to be a thinking being in a universe that is at once beautiful and terrifying. Blake came to Cambridge to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997 and has lived in the Boston area ever since. Feeling pulled between the fine arts and the sciences, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Art and Design at MIT while cross-registering for painting classes at Harvard and doing robotics research at the MIT Media Lab. While Blake would not mind earning fame and fortune from his artwork, his primary interest is in the work itself and in exposing his work to as large an audience as possible. He…

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April 18, 2018

Emily Brodrick’s Fanciful Constructions

Emily Brodrick’s Fanciful Constructions

Many thanks to Steve Sangapore, our Visual Arts Barista, for introducing all of us to Emily Brodrick’s dynamic, colorful textile art. Emily graduated from Hampshire College in 2014 where her study of fiber art culminated in a solo show titled “Why Color Makes Me Giggle.” Her knitted and crocheted works are often repetitive, vibrantly colorful, with an organic feel. With them, she explores themes such as gender stereotypes, craft traditions, functionality and play.  She is currently exhibiting in the Neoteric Abstract Art VI show at the Limner Gallery in Manhattan. Emily’s Artist Statement: “After 4 years of primarily working in fiber, over the past year or so my work has become steadily less textile-focused. I have been trying to deconstruct my practice to understand what drives my need to create on a psychological level and to…

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April 11, 2018

Congratulations to Barista Steve Sangapore!

Congratulations to Barista Steve Sangapore!

    We’re proud to announce that Steve Sangapore, FC’s Fine Arts Barista, has his work on exhibition in “Creature,” a new multi-artist show at the Long Island City Arts Open Gallery at The Factory. The exhibition is open now – 24/7!! – and runs through May 11, 2018.  Learn more here, but the pictures tell more of a story. Best of all, go see it in person at The Factory, 30-30 47th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101. Congratulations, Steve!        

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March 7, 2018

Blurring Time and Realities: The Art of David Thomas

Blurring Time and Realities: The Art of David Thomas

Artist’s Statement: My work is centered around a blurring of time and realities. The figures I paint touch on themes of old mythologies and older magic; the kind of half-truths and false memories that persist through generations. I set out to capture the fear and wonder I feel as I walk through our plane. I try to image other planes and realities that may connect and interact with ours in ways we might not be able to understand. My work is attempt to capture realities that may be lurking just beyond our reach. “Boundless” – 36×36″   “Wastelayer” – 36×36″   “Never Lost” – 36×36″   A work in progress ***         David Thomas is currently living and working in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He paints haunting figures inside surrealistic landscapes using a unique style of fingerprinting….

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