February 11, 2018

Introducing Steve Sangapore, FC’s New Visual Arts Barista

Introducing Steve Sangapore, FC’s New Visual Arts Barista

We’re incredibly proud to introduce Steve Sangapore, our new visual arts barista. Steve is a contemporary surrealist painter based in Boston, MA. He is a 2013 graduate of Albertus Magnus College in New Haven, CT, where he earned a dual-B.A. in studio art and graphic design. His interest in science and philosophy has been the driving force behind much of his latest work. His incredibly unique, awe-inspired view on those topics has led his paintings to be exhibited nationally and published in art magazines and journals, including Art Business News, Creative Quarterly, Artscope, and  Art Reveal Magazine. You can see how widely his art has been on public view at his website About page. Several of  Steve’s works appear beneath his Artist’s Statement. We’re looking forward to him introducing new artists and perspectives on the visual arts to you,…

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December 3, 2017

Charlotte Madézo’s Paintings: Flights of Fancy

Charlotte Madézo’s Paintings: Flights of Fancy

Galerie ZonZon is featuring Charlotte Madézo’s paintings this month. Charlotte’s work portrays everyday scenes tinged with  delightful surrealism. These paintings portray flights of fancy – or, perhaps, fantasy if you prefer – elegantly embodied by the lanky characters which give her work at once a sense of humor and poetry. Each one is like a mischievous children’s tale where the artist creates the magic that makes her paintings so special. Artist’s statement: “My luminous universe evolves between sea and garden in an incessant search for harmony and balance. Invention of an imaginary and colorful world nourished by Mediterranean stopovers where fantastic characters come alive, even surrealistic, playing on curves, reliefs and various collages. Colors, shapes and materials, treated in unexpected shortcuts, propose a world free from the constraints that we usually impose on the weight of being, jostling our…

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October 26, 2017

Paula Park’s Tree Photography

Paula Park’s Tree Photography

Artist’s Statement: I gravitate toward trees, as I grew up in a forest and I find being surrounded by trees soothing. As you can see from my photos, I don’t photograph with my eye for splendor and colorful foliage. Trees to me touch a darker quieter spot in myself. Rain, fog, and trees go together for me; they speak to the soulful and reflective side of ourselves, a dark wisdom. Please click on the images to see in full screen view. Editor’s Note: The poet Joyce Kilmer wrote, “I think that I shall never see / A poem as lovely as a tree.” Our hearts go out to Paula Park and the people of Sonoma and Napa Counties, California, who have lost so many of their beautiful trees and, all too often, more. Rejoice that the…

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September 5, 2017

David Morton Meyers – Art

David Morton Meyers – Art

Editor’s Note: Playful, witty and expressive in color, David Meyers’s work appears to draw from a strong interest in history and humor. His bold and gestural brushwork often depicts subjects from history with a strong fascination and focus on the American Wild West. Meyers’s work take a unique and bold approach to composition and structure with an unencumbered palette. His academic skill and disciplined technique work simultaneously with a playfully adolescent perspective of his subjects. -Steve Sangapore, contributor                               David Meyers is an artist based in Iowa City, Iowa. Though born and bred in Boston, Massachusetts, his adventures have lead him a seven year sojourn in Philadelphia, Pa where he received his B.F.A. in Painting/Drawing and minor in Art History from…

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August 18, 2017

Diego Velez – A Colombian Perspective

Diego Velez – A Colombian Perspective

Editor’s Note: Diego Velez tells stories through his paintings. I got a chance to talk with him about his perspectives on art and life recently. He told me that being an artist is something that keeps him humble and grateful of what he has. There is so much beauty in the process of creating that he does not even need to drink when he’s working; the painting quenches his thirst. He believes an artist spiritually ingests coals made from different trees to get the essence of these different colors and after creating, the art is a way to let people experience these images for years to come. But his passion goes beyond art, as he tells me his thoughts on the universe and humanity, “The earth doesn’t ask permission to reshape itself.” We present to…

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