January 27, 2017

A Fun Survey for Creative People

A Fun Survey for Creative People

Learn more about Michael at https://controlmousemedia.com/about/

Our friend and publishing colleague, Michael Boezi at Control Mouse Media, has offered Fictional Cafe members an interesting opportunity to help you focus your creative efforts, the results of which he is going to share with us. Michael and Jack know each other from book publishing days and reconnected at the recent Independent Publishers of New England conference, where Michael gave an outstanding, SRO presentation. Here, in his words, is his enticement for you to take the short survey.

If you’re interested, please jump right on this.

Hi Fictional Cafe Members,

Creatives have unique challenges when trying to market and sell their art. Over the years, I’ve seen many writers, musicians, and visual artists struggle to build a business – even if they produce great work.  

In my experience, the issue always seems to boil down to two things:

  1. Having a clear sense of your goals.
  2. Knowing specifically what’s holding you back.

If you can understand these two things, you can start to address them.

Here’s a starting point for you: a brief survey that will help you uncover these issues. This is designed to help you, and it only takes a few minutes.


With your answers, I’ll be able to do two things for you:

  1. I’ll be able to produce new content (a.k.a. videos, ebooks, webinars, and courses) on topics tailored specifically to you and what you need.
  2. One person will win a $50 Amazon gift card – use it to buy new supplies or gear to keep making your art!

Thank you for your time – I hope you find it to be helpful. 

All the best,

Michael Boezi / 617-477-9044

Owner and Managing Director // Control Mouse Media, LLC

P.S. Please feel free to share this survey with any other writers, musicians, or visual artists you know.