October 4, 2018

Mia Cross’s Painting: Color, Form and Narrative

Mia Cross’s Painting: Color, Form and Narrative

Mia Cross is a Boston-based artist who in a very short time has gained a great deal of interest and attention from the community. Mia launched her career in 2014, following her graduation from Boston University with a double major in Painting and Sculpture.  In 2016 she received the “Emerging Artist Award” presented by the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA. Cross has been the recipient of multiple grants, including the Blanche Colman Grant and a Mass MoCa Match Grant.  Her most recent residency stints include spending two weeks in 2017 at the Vermont Studio Center through a Boston University alumni grant, and a month in 2016 as an artist in residence at the Goetteman Residency at the Rocky Neck Art Colony in Gloucester, MA.  Her work has been featured in numerous galleries and exhibits throughout New England and New York.

Artist’s Statement:

Through a diverse body of work spanning multiple mediums and themes, Mia Cross explores color, the human figure, and narrative. Her oil paintings, and in particular her portraiture, demonstrate a fixed fascination with pattern and skin. When painting, Cross pays special care to creating engaging color relationships, sometimes harmonious and sometimes dissonant. Cross stitches her colors together like a quilt, often laying them down with a palette knife and leaving them untouched for the remainder of the painting process. Her recent work explores where the figure begins and ends when immersed in its surroundings.

A Mia Cross Mural

Cross’s 140 ft. mural, We the People II, brightens the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston.


Spoon Me Like You Used To, Klimt


The Color Blues I Would Miss Most If I Went Blind


The Girl Who Sat on the Couch Too Long




Sketchy Lady


Hoarder of Strings and Other Things

3D Printer


Current Exhibitions

Painted Faces, at Motherbrook Arts and Community Center, Dedham, MA (Sept 6 – Oct 30)

Forms of Expression, curated by Area Gallery, The Yard at Hancock Tower, Boston, MA (Oct 2 – Jan 2, 2019)

Mia Cross Solo Exhibition, at Red Bull, Boston, MA (August – January, 2019)


Upcoming Exhibitions

Breaking the Rules, at Fountain Street Gallery, Boston, MA (Nov 28- Dec 23)

A solo exhibition at the Trustman Gallery, Simmons College, Boston, MA (Fall, 2019)

A group exhibition at the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA (Fall, 2019)


Website: www.miacross.com

Instagram: miaxart