April 16, 2020

“Mythomane’s Truth,” Poetry by Sanjeev Sethi

“Mythomane’s Truth,” Poetry by Sanjeev Sethi
Mythomane’s Truth 
If we could retrofit ourselves? 
I would not be me nor you, you. 
Imagine me without infirmities.  
I would no longer be po-faced, 
pudgy and potbellied. My eyes 
wouldn’t swim sans Adam’s ale. 
If any of this gladdens your gut:   
I reckon, you aren’t for me. 


From entanglements of existence  
I’m in firmament of my own.  
In roll-call of needs anamnesis  
mitigates. Past is polished with  
coats of one’s inner complexion.  
Peeps are like diaries different  
page different piece: same smell. 


When you unself  
from a situation or skein:  
you deliver lavish  
dividends for yourself. 
Opportune distancing  
mends the ache:  
of the eventualities 
of our exploits. 
Propinquity bedims  
the perspective: 
leaving us to lust  
after our parakeet or pelt. 


Mythomane's Truth

Sanjeev Sethi is published in over 25 countries. He has more than 1200 poems printed or posted in venues around the world. Wrappings in Bespoke, is Winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. Its his fourth book. It will be issued in 2020. He lives in Mumbai, India.  This is his first feature on The Fictional Café.

Fictional Cafe
#cerebral#mythomanes truth#poetry#sanjeev sethi