I had the pleasure of meeting long-time Fictional Cafe member Hank Keneally at “FOG” (Far Out Gallery) in San Francisco this month. This neat little gallery, high in the hills of the Sunset District of SF, is only a few blocks from the actual fog of Ocean Beach on the Pacific Ocean.
Hank graciously showed me his art and described how he got each of his shots and then how the images transformed into the hybrid art we see here. It’s always great to see someone’s art in person and have them explain the images or the inspiration behind the piece.
If you’re in the bay area, or looking for an excuse to go there, his hybrid art is on display through February 24th.

Artist Statement – “FOG” Gallery Exhibition
by Hank Keneally
As I walk the streets of San Francisco, I am in a state of contemplative awareness: A quest to discover my conception of beauty. I often find it on a wall or the street below me, with it’s designs, impacted by nature, human “collaborations”, balance and structure.
I especially love to be surprised when I combine two or three images and see what happens. After printing I sometimes add Painting and/ or Drawing to the surface of the image. In this way I combine Photography, Painting, Drawing and Digital manipulations to make my final image.
In my exhibitions my hope is that you may see and, hopefully, become motivated to find your own conception of Beauty.


Hank Keneally studied music and photography at Arizona State University, often staying in the dark room overnight to get a print “just right.” In addition to his prowess at trombone and photography, Hank has many years of tutelage in fine art, painting and digital imagery. He also started a private counseling practice with his wife, Mac, in Arizona. He was featured previously on The Fictional Café with his striking Diffusion Portraits Series. You can find more of his hybrid art on his website and on Instagram