Alethea Eason is an artist in both words and images. Each of her visual collages here is accompanied by a poem or a flash fiction. Atlas of My Body The river finally flooded, unearthing lost spaces of my geography. My feet filled with myth. My legs freed to carry me to the then and now. I pursue a fevered safari with the radical prison of time discovering the chandelier of my hair, my breasts’ awakening orchids, the lucky coin of my navel, my vulva’s whimsy box. The river moved all that was obscured. Time and myth concurred to find a radiant key to open my heart, the legend that makes sense of all the rest, The atlas of my body uncovered and easily read. * The Charms of Eleanor Dearest E ~ You write…
Mickie’s Back! Welcome to the First Podcast of Season 2
Editor’s Note: Earlier this year, we were delighted to run the entire first season of “Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective,” a podcast written, produced and directed by Ruby Fink and delivered by her incredible Faux Fiction Audio actors. What Ruby and her people have done is extraordinary, creating a story of our times and producing it at the professional level of classic old-time radio dramas. Ruby writes scripts with a real twist: Mickie and his sidekick Sam [Samantha] are middle-schoolers, and their nemesis is the principal. They encounter and set out to solve various mysteries around their school. The Faux Fiction voice actors are terrific, and the sound effects discerning and clever. This is good stuff. We have the first two episodes from Season 2, which we’ll publish this week and next. We’ll publish subsequent episodes…
“Indictment” – A New Poem by Michael Larrain
Editor’s note: Michael Larrain is back, gracing the stage here at the funky ole Fictional Café, bringing us the poetry we know we need because that’s where all this came from, the coffee and the poetry and the blues and those long-forgotten smoky bistros filled with beautiful women and cowboy poets and coffee, always the coffee, the jet fuel Jack Kerouac sucked down as fast as his ma could make pot after pot while he wrote On the Road with her Scotch-taping the sheets of paper together and then Michael, our very own Michael Larrain, writing poetry on the Kesey-like boat’s canvas sails, poetry-cum-novels, and reading his stories for darling daughter Catherine The Rage of Paris Larrain, and narrating Jack’s Brady novella with such a voice, and now a new poem. So you see why we’re understandably happy he’s…
“Legend of the Treasure” Novel Excerpt by Mike Squatrito
Legend of the Treasure Excerpt by Mike Squatrito “Harrison,” said Pondle, “this doorway seems to be controlled by this lever. And we waited for you before moving it.” “Does everyone know the last two clues?” “We have an idea what to look for. Two rooms to go.” Harrison prepared his weapon, as did everyone else. “All right, Pondle. Let’s enter room number six.” The thief pulled the lever. The portal slowly rose into the ceiling above it, revealing a maze-like passageway lit by torches placed above the eight-foot walls. Lance limped over to Harrison and whimpered. “Bad animal.” The dog began to growl. Harrison looked at Lance and knew just what he meant. “Everyone, be ready for battle.” All of a sudden, a loud clanking emanated from another part of the room, followed by…
Freedom – June Submissions
June is a month linked to freedom. Whether it’s the arrival of the day that school’s out for summer, the warm days perfect for sprawling out on the grass with a good book or the beginning of road trip season, June signals the end of the ties that winter and school have over us (at least in the northern hemisphere!). Our European Pen Pals can attest to the pleasure of being done (and home) for the summer too. This month’s submissions reflect such freedom as we deviate slightly from our typical offerings. We have two novel excerpts for you, each very different yet both quite engaging and two installments each of poetry and art. Bon appétit! Fiction Our first excerpt is from Legends of the Treasure by Mike Squatrito, the first book in his fantasy…
Au Revoir and Addio: The Pen Pals Say Their Last Good-byes from France and Italy…
Editor’s note: This is the last exchange between Simran and Rachael as they end their Study Abroad semesters. You can find their previous pen pal exchanges here, here and here. The Sacre Coeur Basilica image above is courtesy Simran. The Basilica di San Domenico image is courtesy Rachael. Photo montage courtesy Grace Chu. But wait! There’s one last installment to follow, when they write each other about what it’s like to be back home. Coming soon. ** April 17 Hi Sim! Oh good luck with your papers and everything. I hope you enjoy the last few weeks! My program ends in the middle of May, so I’m not quite at that stage of thinking about the end yet. I love this question about being alone, actually because it’s definitely been a significant and changing part of my time…
Party Tonight! Join us at the Virtual Celebration of the Mickie McKinney Podcast!
Please join us in wishing a happy first anniversary to Ruby Fink and the “Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective” podcast series on Faux Fiction Audio. We were fortunate enough to publish the whole Mickie serial here at FC, and upon learning the franchise has been renewed for another year, anxiously await the first episode of Season 2, which we’re told is due any day. In the meantime, you’re welcome to join in congratulating Ruby, the creator and producer, and her performers–Sam, Hannah, Lucas, Lyndsey and who knows who else will show up–tonight [Tuesday] for Mickie’s birthday/anniversary party! It will stream live tonight on Facebook, beginning at 5:00PM PST. You may even bump into one or two of us FC baristas there–virtually, of course. In the meantime, here’s what Ruby wrote about her experiences writing and producing Mickie:…
Ancora! The Pen Pals Visit Coffee Shops
Although I’m sure they would secretly prefer the Fictional Cafe for a cup of java and creativity, Rachael and Simran have found local coffee hangouts in Paris and Bologna—and have found them interestingly different in several respects from their American counterparts. Here’s part three of their pen-palling. ** April 10 Hi Sim! Sorry for the delay—I was gone this weekend on a program trip to Venice. (If you end up visiting Italy, definitely see Venice! There are many tourists, of course, but there are also these beautiful hidden canals, one of which has this old bookstore overflowing with books—and sometimes with water.) I have similar feelings about the energy of the students in Bologna. And I too, especially since this is a university town, thought that café culture would be a big part of the city….
Encore! More From Fictional Cafe’s European Pen Pals
Herewith, armchair travelers, for your reading pleasure is the next installment in the adventures of our European study abroad pen pals. Their discussion deepens as we see similar reactions to the large collegiate student environments of Bologna and Paris, as well as some musings on their writing [of course], art and architectures, all of which have deep, storied resonance in Europe. So, without further preluding, let’s read what Rachael and Simran wrote each other in their second exchange. ** April 3 Hi Simran, Thanks for your response! This exchange is cool—like modern pen pals. That sounds lovely writing by the Charles. Though I go to school in Maine, I’m from Boston and I’m especially missing it in the spring! I’m actually studying in Bologna, which is a university city a bit north of Florence in the…
Introducing Fictional Cafe’s European Pen Pals
March 30, 2017 Dear Rachael Allen and Simran P. Gupta: First off, I’d like to introduce you to each other. Rachael, Ms. Gupta is a junior at Simmons College and has been blogging and working for FC since last October. She’s about to become a full-fledged Barista. Simran, Ms. Allen is a junior at Bowdoin College [Managing Editor Mike’s alma mater], and like you an English major. Both of you are contributors to Fictional Café, bloggers, and write for your college newspapers. AND you’re both spending a semester in Study Abroad programs, Rachael in Bologna, Italy, and Simran in Paris. We figured you’re likely to have some pretty interesting experiences, and ought to write about them for FC. So here’s a special assignment for you: Please write to each other about your European experiences. Ask each other…