November 11, 2016

Podcast: “Improbable Fortunes” by Jeffrey Price

Podcast: “Improbable Fortunes” by Jeffrey Price

In an interview posted on his LinkedIn page, Jeffrey Price, perhaps unknown to most but renowned for co-authoring the script of the animated movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” says of  his latest work: “Improbable Fortunes is my Funny Valentine to the land I love and the craziness that is not so different from America at large. I should also say that women readers have told me that they found the book romantic.”

Improbable Fortunes is a novel in print, Kindle and Audible formats on Amazon. Set in a small fictional town in Colorado, it’s the story of the adventures of one Butch McCaffrey. It’s a terrific satire on the New West with a main character who embodies literature’s greatest picaresque “heroes,” from Don Quixote to Ignatius J. Reilly. The Prolouge, a half-hour long excerpt, will give you a good sense of our boy Butch and what lies ahead for him.

Improbable Fortunes is destined to become a cult classic. Listen, enjoy, then get yourself a copy of the print, Kindle or Audible book.

Please click the arrow below to listen to the Prologue of Improbable Fortunes.

