March 31, 2017

Podcast: Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective, Part IV

Podcast: Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective, Part IV

From left to right: Violet Faux as Samantha, Lucas Faux as Mickie, Leann Faux as Burner and Writer-Director Ruby Faux.  

Here’s the news, Fictional Cafe habitués: Although this is the last episode in the story of the chemistry lab explosion, it’s not the last in the Mickie McKinney story. If you like what you’ve listened to here, please head over to Faux Fiction Audio to listen to more. The next episode is “Brain and Brawn.”

This is such a unique theme in today’s podcasting, featuring a teenager in middle school who solves mysteries and problems for his classmates. A tip of the barista hats to Ruby Fink, the series creator, and to all the folks who listened to weekly episodes on her site. They have inspired her to keep going. She and her talented team are now at work on Season Two! Can a Netflix or Amazon contract be far away? We hope not.

Tomorrow, we’ll have a special feature about the people who have made Mickie McKinney and Faux Fiction Audio a reality.

Please click on the arrow below to listen to Part Four of “Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective.”