September 8, 2017

Podcast: “The Ferryman” Part I

Podcast: “The Ferryman” Part I

Last month, Ruby Fink and I presented a 90–minute workshop on podcasting at the Willamette Writers Conference to keenly interested authors. Ruby heads Faux Fiction Audio, a podcast production company, and is my partner in podcasting my fiction. She’s also developing podcasts for other authors and publishers because podcasting, or audiobooks, is becoming a Pretty Big Deal in Media Land.

Which is why I love finding podcasts for you to listen to each month. In my endless search for ever more interesting audio I came across “The Ferryman,” our offering this month. It’s one of the more bizarre listening experiences in the genre and I wish I could tell you more about it, but whoever  created it – and I suspect the name “Nic Antoine” is a nom de plume [a nom de mic??] – remains a mystery.  You can visit The Ferryman website and try to figure everything out. [Here’s a short and somewhat helpful explanation.] Or you can simply listen and enjoy the absurdist podcast.

“The Ferryman” takes the form of listening to a radio station that exists on intergalactic transport shops – ferries – about a hundred years in the future [note the bizarro broadcast episode numbers]. There is a host, stories, commercials [quite absurd], and interviews. The host announces forthcoming features but often doesn’t make good on them. I suspect the writing, voices and the FX are produced by just one [apparently identity-free] individual.

And with that I hereby present the first episode of Ferryman Radio, Episode 186,532: The Forbidden Transmission.  Three more follow on September Friday nights.