March 18, 2016

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett, Episode 3

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett, Episode 3

What happens when a woman comes aboard an English fighting ship in the midst of the Napoleonic wars? Well, a lot. And a lot of it will surprise you as you listen to the third episode of “Captain Blackwell’s Prize.” By this point, I trust you are as mesmerized by the characters and the story as I am, just have to find out what happens next. If so, you have several choices. You can buy the book, paperback or e-format, on Amazon. You can get an Audible to listen to. Or you can go to Podiobooks and download either individual episodes or the entire book, for free. But please do remember, a novel – regardless of its format – is the author’s labor of love, so please consider donating the paltry sum of $4.99 to Ms. Ulett for…

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March 11, 2016

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett, Episode 2

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett, Episode 2

Thanks, Fictional Cafe coffeeheads, for your words of appreciation for “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” this past week. We even got a shout-out from the founder of Podiobooks, who is currently in Bangkok! So without further adieu, here is Episode 2; next week, Episode 3, and the week after our interview with the author. If you just can’t wait to continue, please visit Podiobooks to download the entire novel [and please be sure to show your enjoyment by tipping Ms. Ulett]. Please click on the arrow below to listen to Episode 2 of “Captain Blackwell’s Prize.”

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March 4, 2016

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett

Podcast: “Captain Blackwell’s Prize” by V.E. Ulett

With the beautiful, haunting notes of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Suite No. 1 for Unaccompanied Cello”, author V. E. Ulett introduces the podcast of her novel, Captain Blackwell’s Prize. Set around the turn of the 18th century, it’s the story of an English wooden fighting ship during a period when England, France and Spain were often at war with each other. The author has done a magisterial job of capturing the nuances of speech and sailor slang, as well as the sights and smells and drama and danger from days over 200 years ago. The title is a double entendre: in those times, the word “prize” was used to describe the booty captured during warfare. In Ulett’s story, it refers to a shipment of gold captured from a Spanish ship, but also the capture of a beautiful Spanish lady….

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February 16, 2016

Podcast: “The Leviathan Chronicles” Episode 3, by Christof Laputka

Podcast: “The Leviathan Chronicles” Episode 3, by Christof Laputka

This is the third and last excerpt episode of “The Leviathan Chronicles.” If you like what you’ve heard so far [and we’ve been getting rave reviews from other listeners already!], we encourage you to go to Podiobooks and download the entire podcast. The story [so far] is a total of 26 episodes. It’s an easy download to iTunes, with one caveat: the episodes may download for play in reverse order. This is a shortcoming of iTunes – we’re still trying to find the workaround for this. If you do, please let us know so we can share it with other listeners! A final word: The author, Christof Laputka, clearly spent an immense amount of his own money producing “The Leviathan Chronicles.” Please, please tip him. You’ll be hard pressed getting more enjoyment from your five bucks.  And…

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February 16, 2016

Podcast: “The Leviathan Chronicles” Episode 2, by Christof Laputka

Podcast: “The Leviathan Chronicles” Episode 2, by Christof Laputka

As promised, here is episode 2 a three-part excerpt from “The Leviathan Chronicles,” a full blown media extravaganza of a podcast. You really won’t believe your ears. We’re posting the first three episodes this week, Monday through Wednesday. If you find yourself hooked, as we did, you’ll want to go to to get the rest of the episodes. Here’s an overview from the podcaast website: “The Leviathan Chronicles is a revolutionary science fiction audio drama podcast featuring the voices of over 60 actors, professional sound effects and an original music soundtrack. Think of it as a blockbuster movie for your ears! There are 25 episodes in Season 1, and 13 episodes in Season 2 as well as several Special Edition Episodes – all available for FREE. You can download each episode here on the website or on iTunes….

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