December 9, 2014

Sharing Their Stories With The World

365docobitesWe baristas believe in stories, and especially in storytellers. That’s why we do what we do here at Fictional Cafe, and why we’re excited to share the story of two video documentary storytellers with you. Two intrepid Australian storytellers, Epiphany Morgan and Carl Mason, have been traveling the world to create 365 mini-documentaries in 365 days. Their project is called 36docobites  and you ought to take a look. These people not only have an ingenious and deeply human project underway, but are creating the most amazing video stories with people from all around the world.

We want to help them, and we thought you might want to as well. They have a campaign on Kickstarter and not many days to reach their goal. If you can kick in [yep!] some help, please do. There are a few tangible rewards, and a heck of lot of intangible ones. You’ll see if you watch some of their docobites on their site. Let’s all make a contribution to this wonderful storytelling adventure.

Just in case you missed the click, here’s the Kickstarter link again

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