Children of the World! Storyteller foundation is looking for drawings from you, wonderful children, to use in The Dreaming Tree Project which will be released after June 24th.
The Dreaming Tree Project is first and foremost a book, written by Ruby Fink, but drawings from you will be added as illustrations not only to the book, but possibly to the audio/web video which is also being produced.
The Storyteller Foundation is a non-profit organization, and the book, The Dreaming Tree, as well as any additional material, is intended to be a gift to the children of the world, not only to those who live through this quarantine, but also those who come after.
- Children must be 12 or under to enter.
- Drawings must be from the list of options below
- Drawings must be sent in by June 7th to barista Ruby Fink, at [email protected]
- You may use whatever medium you prefer, watercolor, crayons, pastels, but all must be scanned and sent as a jpeg, png, or Al. High resolution preferred!
- Name should be at the bottom of the drawing 🙂
- When you submit, please tell us where you are from!

Lastly, to those who submit their drawings to this contest, you must agree that you are allowing Storyteller Foundation to distribute and broadcast your work without limitation through any means, and you will not receive any compensation for your participation, other than experience and credit as the artist.
Your work that has been submitted is your own, or otherwise authorized for such use without obligation from you or any third party. You agree to the use of your name, and artwork for educational, program or series publicity and organizational promotional purposes.
You agree that your participation in the project confers upon you no rights of use, ownership or copyright. Storyteller Foundation, its employees, agents and assigns are released from liability which may arise from any and all/or all clams from you or or any third party in connection with your participation in the Storyteller Foundation Project.
To learn more about the Storyteller Foundation, check out their Facebook Page
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