February 19, 2021

Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G Pt. 2

Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G Pt. 2

Welcome back to Part Two of Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G, performed by Fireside Mystery Theater. When last we spoke, Simon Perdito was concocting a plan that involved a disgraced sculptor, mysterious clay and magical strawberries?

Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G Part 3

More than one mysterious statue is being sculpted and the Rabbi is finally asking for help. One has to wonder, what is Simon Perdito’s endgame?

Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G Pt. 4

The Rabbi Rachael and Sheldon are planning to blow up Simon Perdito’s place in order to stop the rise of clay men and enchanted strawberries. Of course, they’re not the only people who object to Simon’s nefarious plans.

Sunken Harbor: K-I-S-S-I-N-G


Fireside Mystery Theater’s scarifying stock company of actors is helmed by Ali Silva and has featured performances by Allison Guinn, James Rieser, Bill Heidrich, Courtenay Gillean Cholovich, Brian Wallace, Michael Pate, Mary Murphy, Anabelle Rollinson, Alain LaForest, Kacie LaForest, Eirik Davey-Gislason, Daniel Graves, James Kleinmann & Lauren Elder. Silva also hosts the show in addition to her many characterizations. The show’s original material is primarily penned by Silbin Sandovar with delightfully dark contributions from other fine writers. FMT was the subject of a featured piece in The Daily News in 2014 and was voted one of the Top 10 Podcasts in NYC by Untapped Cities alongside “This American Life” and “The Moth.”

We hope you enjoyed this month of Fireside Mystery Theater. If you wish to listen to more, feel free to check out their website. And remember to keep your dial set to our Audio Arts page for new audio adventures, every other Friday at 7pm Eastern time!

Fictional Cafe
#fireside mystery theater#Podcast#spookystories