September 18, 2020

“Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars”

“Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars”

Hello, Fictional Cafe Listeners! Penumbra Podcast is back again! Because you all seemed to enjoy it so much last time, we’re bringing you another story of that eccentric man from the future…who also seems stuck in the past. This time: Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars. If everyone is ready, we’re going to follow Juno Steel, a brooding, sharp-witted private eye on Mars, as he tangles with an elusive homme fatale, tracks dangerous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization, and faces his three greatest fears: heights, blood, and relationships. Juno Steel and the Prince of Mars (Pt. 1) After an explosive murder case gone wrong, Detective Juno Steel is in the market for some slower work. His next client promises something quiet: a routine find-the-cheating-husband job. Well… it should be routine. Should be, being…

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September 4, 2020

“Another Shade of Crime” A Podcast by James Hayes

“Another Shade of Crime” A Podcast by James Hayes

How does a man survive 80 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit? What’s the true story about Hurricane Katrina? Why did 9-year-old Asha Degree pack a bag in the middle of a stormy night and disappear? And how did serial killer Samuel Little kill 80 people without the police finding out? These are the stories you won’t find on other podcasts. The stories that often go unnoticed. The victims that are lost to time. Producer and Writer James Hayes, Sound Engineer and Co-Producer Liam O’Brien, and Host Carl Ellis Grant will answer these questions in Another Shade of Crime. A monthly true-crime podcast about crimes committed to and by people of color.  Because crime does not discriminate. Episode 1: This is a story about the 1976 trial of Ronnie Long for burglary…

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August 21, 2020

“The Encounter,” A Collegiate Audio Drama

“The Encounter,” A Collegiate Audio Drama

Produced by The School of Visual and Performing Arts at Liberty University, The Encounter is a serialized radio drama that introduces its audience to two seemingly utopian societies. However, for a few young people the search for perfection and a greater truth lies just beyond their borders. Written by Jordon Jarrett, Colton Grellier, Kim Camancho and Phillip Sitterding, the story follows Picasso (Neal Brasher), Violet (Hannah Glavin),  Stylus (Cody Carwile) and many more talented voice actors on a journey of introspective discovery. Episode 1: Learn about one of the mountaintop cities–the Peak of Defiance. Picasso (Neal Brasher) hears a lovely song that haunts him, allowing him to see a vision of a third city that no one else can see. In Defiance, learn how the city runs and meet Ultraviolet (Hannah Glavin) and Stylus (Cody Carwile). Ultraviolet…

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August 7, 2020

“The Loser,” An Audio Adventure by Strange/Love

“The Loser,” An Audio Adventure by Strange/Love

“The Loser” is a fantasy-sci-fi story from Strange/Love, an audio fiction anthology created, written and Produced by William J. Meyer. While most podcasters out there develop their episodes to follow either a certain theme or storyline over the course of their “season,” Strange/Love prefers to release audio short stories of various genres with different voice actors. For example: “The Loser.” Jordon has always been the girl on the outside, listening to the police cruiser radio with her Mom and dreaming of being a dinosaur. But one weekend she is invited to a sleepover with the richest girls in town. For just one weekend, Jordan hopes to be accepted into the cool girls’ circle. But unfortunately for Jordan, the girls have something else planned. Unfortunately for the girls, Jordan has a trick up her sleeve as…

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May 8, 2020

“Atlantis: The Lost Empire” — An Audio Arts Interview

“Atlantis: The Lost Empire” — An Audio Arts Interview

It’s been two decades since the Disney animated film Atlantis: The Lost Empire first hit theaters and for twenty years, writer Tab Murphy, believed that the classic steam-punk animated film that he created was a flop. While he couldn’t deny that he had enjoyed the writing and brainstorming process, it hadn’t done as well in the box office as he would’ve liked, causing him to believe it had been a failure. . .up until now. Recently, Tab came in contact with “Atlantis: The Lost Empireposting,” a Facebook group completely dedicated to reliving and reposting their favorite scenes, lines and characters from his movie. Surrounded by so many people of different ages, from different walks of life who had all been inspired and entertained by the film he had helped create, Tab was finally able to…

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January 11, 2020

Decoder Ring Theater is Back!

Decoder Ring Theater is Back!

Hello! The name’s Fink, Ruby Fink, Fictional Café’s Audio Arts Barista. Every 365 days there’s a strange tradition – for Earth’s population to cozy up with friends, watch a ball drop in New York City from the comfort of their homes, and make enough toasts to ensure the previous year is a hazy blur of memories. It’s human nature I suppose, to try and wipe out the worst of the old, in order to replace that with hope for the new. New diet and exercise plans, the promotion you’ve been hoping for, maybe dreams of a romance or two for those who are single and available . . . or at least aren’t attached enough to their current partner to remain exclusive. At this time of the New Year, change is not only accepted but…

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October 30, 2019

“The Hound” for Halloween

“The Hound” for Halloween

Welcome . . . if one chooses to willingly enter into H.P. Lovecraft’s horrific universe . . . to an audio reimagining of “The Hound” by Micah Delhauer. Ruby Fink, FC’s Audio Arts Barista, said of it: “This is a brilliantly done audio performance which totally creeped me out even during the day! I’d recommend putting up a warning, “not for the faint of heart.” So consider yourselves warned. I recommend you turn the lights out, put on your headphones, and immerse yourself in some great audio storytelling. Featured Image credit: “The Hound” by Gou Tanabe, a talented and well known Japanese artist, and illustrator, from his manga book H.P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories. Please click on the arrow below to listen to “The Hound.” About the Audio Auteur: Micah Delhauer is a…

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October 18, 2019

Halloween’s A-Coming, But We’re Starting Tonight!

Halloween’s A-Coming, But We’re Starting Tonight!

We’ve received a number of very cool Halloween drama submissions in anticipation of Halloween, so we decided to give you Coffee Clubbers a twofer! The first is tonight, in our regular Saturday night podcast slot, but the second will be published on October 31, Halloween night. Tonight’s story is called “Opferung,” from Lightning Bolt Theater: In the town of Earl Grove, there is a legend. No one will talk about it, except for one night, the night of a total lunar eclipse. But is it merely mass hysteria affecting the town or does she exist, this Sorceress of Blood Moon Hill. “Opferung” was written, directed, produced and stars Krystal Donahue in the roles of Natalie and the Sorceress of Blood Moon Hill. Hey, this is fun! And don’t forget, there’ll be more podcast fun right here on Halloween night at…

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July 27, 2019

“Dixon and Sparks” – A Great New Audio Arts Adventure from ZBS

“Dixon and Sparks” – A Great New Audio Arts Adventure from ZBS

It’s always a pleasure to welcome ZBS back to the Fictional Cafe, and tonight is no exception. For your listening delight, we present all eight episodes of “The Night Has Begun,” a Dixon and Sparks radio drama. ZBS audio is very high quality, so headphones are recommended. We’re also very happy to display Genevieve Shapiro’s artistic talents in the featured image (so like a record album cover) here at FC again. Genevieve, in addition to her art for ZBS audio works, created the featured image for ten-year-old Joy Son’s very first published short story, “Princess Olivia.” Thank you for sharing your art with us, Genevieve! The story: Polly Parker believes someone has put a curse on her fiancé, Clifford Barnett. Clifford and his partner, Alan Hendrix, are what’s called headhunters — they find executives to run…

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July 13, 2019

Ruby Fink is Our New Associate Editor, Audio Arts

Ruby Fink is Our New Associate Editor, Audio Arts

We’re very pleased to announce Ruby Fink’s promotion to Associate Editor of Audio Arts. Ruby began working with Fictional Café in the fall of 2016. We published her “Mickie McKinney, Boy Detective,” podcast series, which she wrote, directed and managed to get produced by bribing the actors with pizza. “Mickie” ran serially on FC in 2017. Ruby studied Film Production at Chapman University’s Dodge College, with a minor in Narrative and Dramatic Literature. She has her own production company, Faux Fiction Audio, in L.A. We offered Ruby the podcasting baristaship shortly after running the Mickie McKinney series, and since then she has been a major FC contributor and collaborator. She has brought us – and you – audio works from Jack J. Ward’s Electric Vicuna Productions, Kennedy Phillip’s “Magus Elgar,” M. “Josh” Donnelan’s “Six Cold Feet,”…

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