September 20, 2024

“A Fairy Tale for Adults” by Crystal Storm

“A Fairy Tale for Adults” by Crystal Storm

Hello, Fictional Cafe Listeners, it’s me your friendly Barista Ruby and I’m back! (The vacation was lovely, I got a marvelous tan and now I am back with plenty of vim and vigor as well as plenty of audio adventures for you to enjoy! First up, “A Fairy Tale for Adults” by Crystal Storm. Colin and Nia are two ordinary parents going through a separation. They take their kids on a family outing… and are accidentally teleported to another world. Will Colin and Nia be able to find their way back home? Colin and Nia are arrested and have to plead their case before an Angelic Judge in a courtroom full of magical creatures. Will they be able to convince Raziel to set them free? Colin and Nia begin their quest to try and find…

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