July 23, 2024

4 Poems by L. Lois

4 Poems by L. Lois

*Featured image courtesy of Eric Ward on Unsplash.* L. Lois has submitted some wonderful poems to us that touch on a deep emotional level. She fits right in with our humble community, so let’s give her a warm welcome! Intimate Partner Ricochet Biscuits  fragile flowers are precious because they survived  the runaround of a dangerous game Ricochet Biscuits played in earnest  up is down and questioning sanity is the point  where you can’t clarify the rules before the next assault arrives  and the survivors spend a lifetime placing themselves in a vase  with cracks that seep chips that cut flying objects and words that land crooked forever  Literary Ironic  from the Times: smart, funny, captivating  from the Globe: ingenious literary conceit  from the Post: dazzlingly clever, gravely profound  from the Telegraph: a comic tale, a masterpiece  from the Chronicle: fantastically entertaining  from the author: like microorganisms mindlessly intent on some distant objective,…

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