August 26, 2024

3 Poems by Sarah Daly

3 Poems by Sarah Daly

*Featured image courtesy of Andreas Rasmussen on Unsplash* This week we have some wonderful poems by Sarah Daly. Don’t let their size fool you. They may be short, but these poems are full of emotion. Enjoy! At Day’s End  Leaf after leaf drops   on the autumn path.  They piece a rich quilt  of crimsons and golds and   corals which cover the dirt;  my feet crush them,   obliterate them,  grind them into the soft earth.    But the landscape  does nothing to penetrate   November’s loneliness.    Stars  Incandescent circles  weave through  the night sky,  their shadows  traversing our tangled limbs  and signifying joy, joy,  joy.  In the Now Don’t say it, whatever you think, don’t say the words, we are trapped in this reality TV lifestyle (go along go along) don’t open your mouth, there is no more…

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August 8, 2024

Poignant Miles of Lakeside Boneyard by PS Conway

Poignant Miles of Lakeside Boneyard by PS Conway

*Featured image courtesy of Pau Sayrol on Unsplash* Here is another beautiful piece brought to us by our Poet in Residence, PS Conway. Take a look! Clouds hang low o’er Doolough Valley wispt and haunted like we ghosts who recall the horrors of hunger recall a child who fed like sheep eating grass beside the Dead felled roadside recall the cold that bites so deep through gossamer skin, nowhere to hide from the damp, from the cries carrion crows pull out the eyes of a frail father whose name remains oh so forgotten oh so long ago but the land ne’er forgets its recollections will ne’er relent nor forgive a foreign aristocrat’s neglect for the blight of poverty’s anguishes the poor, the chosen folk of Jesus Christ no loaves nor fish for you and I…

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