September 26, 2024

“Satan’s Shadow” by Thomas J. Misuraca

“Satan’s Shadow” by Thomas J. Misuraca

*Featured image courtesy of Peter Forster on Unsplash* Today we have an excellent horror piece by Tom Misuraca. We don’t get a lot of horror, so this is a welcome treat on FC. Tom is also a prolific writer, so we hope to see more from him in the future! The decrepit station wagon sped out of town. Russell clutched the wheel, squeezing until his biceps bulged. Next to him sat his wife, Trudy, her flesh and clothes caked in mud. Her long, curly hair frizzed by the swamp humidity. Russell felt immaculate compared to her; only his boots were dirty.  “It is done,” Trudy repeated over and over, rocking in her seat.  They drove away from the sun and away from the evil presence that had haunted them. Russell feared they would never escape….

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