Saturday Night at the Podcasts
As promised, here’s the second episode of ZBS Media’s incredible noir detective opera. If you missed Part 1, you should definitely click back through the slider on our home page and listen to it first. There is one more episode, which will “air” here next week. Or, as we used to say in radio, “same time, same station.”
As we did last week, we’re also posting the Introduction as a separate audio file. There’s a technical, not aesthetic, reason for this. Because “The Maltese Goddess” was produced in 3-D sound, these episodes are large files. So large, in fact, that they exceed WordPress’s size limit. But through the miracle of audio editing technology, we were able to separate the intro from the story itself and . . . Voila! Here you go, every word and note intact, just in two separate files.
So put on your headphones for some awesome listening.
Please click on the arrow below to listen the Part 2 Introduction to “The Maltese Goddess.”
Please click on the arrow below to listen Part 2 of “The Maltese Goddess.”
If you like what you’re hearing, please write your own comments below so ZBS will let us podcast more from their library. Thanks a lot!