Those of us who are creators know how vulnerable it feels to put our work out there. Whether we are writers, artists, architects, bartenders, musicians, inventors, etc., the act of making something and displaying it for the world to see can be scary. It takes so much courage to be as honest as we are when we are creating – to stick our necks out there like we do.
This month’s featured poet, Bonnie Amesquita, shared what it’s like for her when she’s creating:
“Have you ever wanted to write something really good, a poem or some great something-or-other. Still, when you try to spill those words on a page you discover that they’re just noise. Oh Jeez. Finally, you settle down and you ask yourself what you want to say and about whom or what? You’re afraid of what makes you want to cry, so you say I’ll get back to you. Later, you let those stories go, too. That’s what it is to write. It’s jumping into a blank page, hoping you won’t embarrass your poor self, won’t invite a wince or giggle from the readers you don’t and won’t ever know. You piggy-back authors you love and admire, who told your story so well, and you search for a way to tell your story in a way that is different from theirs.”
What do you create that makes you vulnerable? Share what you do in the comment box below and check out the gallery above to see artists at their most vulnerable.