June 22, 2020

“Up There” — Three Poems by Chad W. Lutz

“Up There” — Three Poems by Chad W. Lutz
Up There 
this one goes out  
to anyone that’s  
ever made me feel  
I wasn’t enough 
felt they were too good 
& drifted away 
I remember  
we fucked  
in the auditorium 
your idea  
& how carnal &  
playful you were 
wore a skirt 
and it hurt 
but I’ll admit 
I wasn’t ready 
to the loves  
that didn’t last 
couldn’t last 
it’s all in the past now 
but I still daydream 
time to time 

Acan Glaske 

big border 
you know what that means 
government shutdowns 
partisan bickering 
sniveling banter 
back and forth we go 
the first settlers 
built walls around their encampments 
wanted to keep the threats out 
the Lakota 
the Apache 
the Comanche 
they lived on the open range 
in communion with nature 
they didn’t need Facebook 
to tell their stories 
they didn’t need Twitter 
to share their opinions 
smallpox and diphtheria did that 
unfair trades did that 
white colonialism 
Andrew Jackson 
trips to the White House 
meant nothing 
we shouldn’t be here 
but we are 
they should have built a wall 


the bride 
is a former 
love of mine 
she’s tall 
& blonde 
like the color 
of summer wheat 
blonde that falls 
down the center 
of her back 
like a rope 
I’ve never  
stopped climbing 
she wears glasses 
as big as her 
face that  
lift ever so  
slightly when  
she smiles 
she talks 
with her 
she likes 
wearing pants 
& quotes Barthes 
there are 
acrobats at 
this wedding 
meals & a vow 
of love for all time 
I watch my 
father cry for 
the first time 
since his 
mother died 
on Christmas Eve 
it’s as  
if I was  
as if  
I never 
left California 
but the dream 
is the same every 
& when I wake  
it’s nothing 
a dream 
a sweet dream 
a bad dream 


Chad W. Lutz is a non-binary writer born in Akron, Ohio, in 1986 and raised in the neighboring suburb of Stow. They graduated from Kent State University with their BA in English in 2008 and from Mills College in Oakland, California, with their MFA in Creative Writing in 2018. Their first book, For the Time Being, is currently available through J. New Books. You can read Chad’s previous work on The Fictional Café here.

Fictional Cafe
