July 24, 2014

Willamette Writers Conference Just A Week Away!


One of the leading writing conferences in the country, the Willamette Writers Conference convenes next Friday, August 1, and runs through Sunday, August 3. Launched in 1969, in recent years attendance has topped 1,000 writing and publishing mavens from around the world. If you’re anywhere close to Portland, Oregon, or would like to see what Portlandia is really like, I hope you’ll attend. There are over 60 workshops and special events.

I’m particularly flattered to be presenting three workshops in the Master’s Series in Business Writing: Your Professional Writing Career, Writing Your First Book, and Ghostwriting.

But more than that, I’m excited to have the chance to meet so many fellow (male and female)  writers and presenters. I thought you might like to meet a few of them yourself. My colleague Jason Brick, who has worked his tush off helping put the WWC together, has recorded some video interviews with faculty and speakers, which are published on YouTube. So here are links to a few, to give you an idea of the kind of folks you’ll be learning from and hanging out with.

Grael Norton is the Head of Marketing at Wheatmark, an indie publisher based in Tucson. [Full disclosure: my new novel, Madrone, was published by Wheatmark]

Christi Krug, author and writing coach

And, with all due modestly, here is my own interview.

Once you’re on any one of our YouTube pages, you’ll see other WWC author interviews in the right-hand column.

More news coming your way next week from the conference!

