September 1, 2019

William Wolak, Master of Collage

William Wolak, Master of Collage

Bill Wolak has kindly consented to share his masterful collage works with Fictional Cafe, and we’re delighted to bring his work before you. As his collages take different form and shape depending upon his ideas and materials, so it is with his work and creativity.

Titles are displayed beneath images.

 Brief As a Reflection in a Bubble
Seductive As Delight
The Weightlessness of Union
The Wind’s Eyes
A Ticklish Circle of Pink
Wherever Desire Guides Your Lips
Anticipation Entwined with Memory
Coaxed Only with Murmurs and Moans
The Perfume of Light

Bill Wolak teaches creative writing at William Paterson University in Paterson, New Jersey. In addition to creating collages, he is a poet and a photographer. He has just published his fifteenth book of poetry entitled The Nakedness Defense with Ekstasis Editions. His collages have appeared recently in Naked in New Hope 2017; The 2019 Seattle Erotic Art Festival; Poetic Illusion; The Riverside Gallery, Hackensack, NJ; the 2019 Dirty Show in Detroit; 2018 The Rochester Erotic Arts Festival and The 2018 Montreal Erotic Art Festival. 

artist photo courtesy India Times
