May 21, 2021

“Wordtastic” by Steve Schneider

“Wordtastic” by Steve Schneider

Welcome readers and listeners, to a podcast that is both delightfully amusing, entertaining and educational about kids and spies and kid spies! Welcome to “Wordtastic” by Steve Schneider!

Due to an evil plot that has wiped out written language and is causing spoken language to fade from memory, special agent spy kids must race against time to collect and archive known vocabulary before it is lost forever! The show provides multiple exposures to content-rich vocabulary terms in the context of a fun story of spies and espionage that features kids as the heroes and main characters.

Wordtastic by Steve Schneider

In this premiere episode of Wordtastic! we meet the teams of special agent kids and learn about “The Incident.” An energy wave, known as “The Pulse” has swept across the world and removed all written and recorded information and data. Now the human race is forgetting how to use words and an epidemic known as “Word-nesia” is affecting the world.

Wordtastic by Steve Schneider

In this episode, the hopeful agent trainees must complete their final training test to become full fledged agents!

Cast and Crew

Director Peter Kowalski played by Steve Schneider

Nova De Jong played by Tanja Milojevic

Sarah played by Carly Gendell

Ivan Quigley played by Owen McCuen

Josh played by Tobin Cleary

Ethan played by Michael Mansour

Kim played by Anna McCusker

Lily played by Anya Schneider

Computer played by Anya Schneider

David played by Jake Henry

Chief McMasters played by Steve Schneider

Word Trap played by Eva Schneider

Officer 1 played by Owen McCuen

Officer 3 played by Tara Mansour

Announcer played by Dayn Leonardson


Written and directed by Steve Schneider

Editing and Sound Design by Austin Beach

Music and Post Production by Dayn Leonardson

Lead actor recording by Matthew J. Boudreau

Cover Art by Regan Beach

If you wish to listen to more episodes from “Wordtastic” by Steve Schneider, you can go to their website, or Apple Podcasts. Of course, if this fun and family-friendly show isn’t to your liking, be sure to check back with the Fictional Cafe Audio Arts Page for new audio adventures. We will have a new update every other week, at 7 PM EST. And as usual, don’t change that dial!

#child-friendly#funny#Ruby Fink#Steve Schneider#Wordtastic