July 6, 2018

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar, ” Episode 3 and . . . The Contest!

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar, ” Episode 3 and . . . The Contest!

Welcome back to “Magus Elgar,” Episode 3! Last week, you had the opportunity to hear an interview with Kennedy Phillips, the show’s creative visionary and producer, and Christopher Moore, the sound design editor. Putting a podcast of this quality and magnitude together is no mean feat. It takes many talented people, and here they all are. Please click on the arrow below to begin listening to “Magus Elgar,” Episode 3. And Now, The Contest! We promised you a contest last week, and here it is. On Monday, July 10, we’ll make a special announcement via email to all 550 of you Fictional Cafe Coffee Club Members, asking a question concerning one of the characters in “Magus Elgar.” You know, like, “How many times was Deadpool killed and came back to life again?” The winner will…

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June 29, 2018

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar, ” Episode 2

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar, ” Episode 2

We hope you enjoyed Episode 1 of this brand-new exciting, audio adventure! Now comes Episode 2, with a bonus: an interview with the creator, Kennedy Phillips, and Christopher Moore, assistant sound designer. The interview, jam-packed with insider stories and podcasting tips, was conducted by our very own Audio Arts Barista, Ruby Fink, and edited by Chris Moore. Please click on the arrow below to listen to the interview.   Please click on the arrow below to listen to Episode 2 of “Magus Elgar.” Next week: Episode 3 of “Magus Elgar” and a Contest!

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June 26, 2018

Seasons, Identity, Longing: The Poetry of Emily Ellison

Seasons, Identity, Longing: The Poetry of Emily Ellison

    AS a leaf autumnally As a leaf autumnally pitching in wind, I am ravished by the airs of your mouth. Tumultuous I fly, bending, more corrupt with every spineless form of sin. I collapse continually, again.   With ancient hands you seasonally pour decay in my ripe buds, for, on Earth’s floor, I’d received too much tenderness of skin, more than you care to comply with. Veiny contempt spirals with pollen as a new variety to lovemaking, and hands stretch empty, brown. The petulant stem I am quakes, grainy limbs forming foliage of impiety. As your leaf, I toss like a mind in sundown.     anonymity how you do reconcile the dying breath of the flickering fluorescent young? their waning lights of ecstasy throughout weekly hazards are simulations of warmth. the impoverished…

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June 22, 2018

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar”

Friday Night Audio Adventure: “Magus Elgar”

For the next three weeks, Fictional Cafe is proud to entertain you with an audio adventure starring Magus Elgar. It’s a comedic fantasy that will entertain your socks off, inspired by the works of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Simon R. Green, J.K. Rowling, and other great authors. After a magical spell throws an eccentric magi named Magus Elgar and his student into a world of science, they must apply all of their skills to find the scientific tools that have appeared in their world – before they end up in the wrong hands. Please click on the arrow below to listen to the first episode of “Magus Elgar.” If you’re dying to know more, please visit the website by clicking here. We’ll play episodes 2 and 3 consecutively on the next two Friday nights.

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June 3, 2018

Blake Brasher: Creating A Sense of Wonder

Blake Brasher: Creating A Sense of Wonder

Blake Brasher is a visual artist working in mixed media painting and installation. His colorful abstractions are reflections on the nature of reality and what it is like to be a thinking being in a universe that is at once beautiful and terrifying. Blake came to Cambridge to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997 and has lived in the Boston area ever since. Feeling pulled between the fine arts and the sciences, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Art and Design at MIT while cross-registering for painting classes at Harvard and doing robotics research at the MIT Media Lab. While Blake would not mind earning fame and fortune from his artwork, his primary interest is in the work itself and in exposing his work to as large an audience as possible. He…

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May 24, 2018

Philip Roth, 1933-2018

Philip Roth, 1933-2018

“No two words are more precious to a writer than, ‘You’re free.’” – Philip Roth The Ghost Writer (1979) Zuckerman Unbound (1981) The Anatomy Lesson (1983) The Prague Orgy (1985) The Counterlife (1986) American Pastoral (1997) I Married a Communist (1998) The Human Stain (2000) Exit Ghost (2007) Novotny’s Pain (1980), published by Sylvester & Orphanos The Facts: A Novelist’s Autobiography (1988) Deception: A Novel (1990) Patrimony: A True Story (1991) Operation Shylock: A Confession (1993) The Plot Against America (2004) The Breast (1972) The Professor of Desire (1977) The Dying Animal (2001) Everyman (2006) Indignation (2008) The Humbling (2009) Nemesis (2010) Goodbye, Columbus (1959) Letting Go (1962) When She Was Good (1967) Portnoy’s Complaint (1969) Our Gang (1971) The Great American Novel (1973) My Life as a Man (1974) Sabbath’s Theater (1995)

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April 30, 2018

“Haeleigh,” a Short Story by Channie Greenberg

“Haeleigh,” a Short Story by Channie Greenberg

Haeleigh was an angry flannel sheet. Until The March of Linen, she fussed and fumed, shedding copious amounts of lint and feigning an inability to have neatly matching corners. As per hospital squares, forget it. Such precision wasn’t going to happen as long as the laundry service repeatedly overstarched her. That company was cheap. It didn’t steam clothes, but washed them in tepid water. Plus, rather than apply industrial soap, that business used questionable surfactant compounds purchased through Third World middlemen. To boot, that service, which reprehensibly ran mixed loads of darks and lights, caused Haeleigh and many of her kin to become splotched with pink or grey. Additionally, that slipshod cleaner batched together orders from multiple clients, thereby sending some of Haeleigh’s nearest and dearest to foreign addresses. It was rumored that Haeleigh’s brother,…

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April 24, 2018

The Poetry of Pain by Barbara Lawrence

The Poetry of Pain by Barbara Lawrence

Breaking the Silence A boy cowers in the corner as his mother raises a belt high into the air. A girl clings to her teddy bear as Daddy enters her room in the middle of the night. A woman fights for her life as a stranger drags her into a vacant alley. So many voices Silent. One voice pierces the darkness, coaxes courage. A second voice emerges from the shadows then another then another… An angry choir swells: No longer will we remain silent. No longer will we hide in secrecy, shame, and fear. Tonight is the night we shout  NO MORE! NO MORE!     Hypervigilance She surfs the edge of dreams dares not sleep too deep the Bogeyman lurks in every shadow eager to tear flesh from bone. Snap of twig outside the…

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April 18, 2018

Emily Brodrick’s Fanciful Constructions

Emily Brodrick’s Fanciful Constructions

Many thanks to Steve Sangapore, our Visual Arts Barista, for introducing all of us to Emily Brodrick’s dynamic, colorful textile art. Emily graduated from Hampshire College in 2014 where her study of fiber art culminated in a solo show titled “Why Color Makes Me Giggle.” Her knitted and crocheted works are often repetitive, vibrantly colorful, with an organic feel. With them, she explores themes such as gender stereotypes, craft traditions, functionality and play.  She is currently exhibiting in the Neoteric Abstract Art VI show at the Limner Gallery in Manhattan. Emily’s Artist Statement: “After 4 years of primarily working in fiber, over the past year or so my work has become steadily less textile-focused. I have been trying to deconstruct my practice to understand what drives my need to create on a psychological level and to…

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