October 17, 2017

The Extraordinary Ordinary: Doing Good for Others With Our Art

The Extraordinary Ordinary: Doing Good for Others With Our Art

Our newest barista, Natalie Rodriguez, is a gifted writer and digital video director-producer with a cause to share. She wants people to become more aware of a great and growing affliction of our youth, and you can help her get that message out into the world. Please join Natalie’s crowdfunding project on Seed and Spark to finance and create The Extraordinary Ordinary The narrative follows the story of three college students navigating their way through the music, writing, and photography scenes. When one of them experiences a panic attack. they begin revisiting their history with mental health. ERICA strives to complete a long overdue photography project from high school but who struggles to find balance and closure from her past due to her ongoing battle with panic attacks. She befriends a classmate, BIANCA, a writer who has…

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October 9, 2017

The 400th!

The 400th!

Last month, we received notice of the 400th member of our Fictional Café Coffee Club. This was a milestone moment for us, so we wanted to share the news and introduce the 400th member to you. Coffee Clubbers, please meet Dianne Patten, who works in the Staples Print Services Center in Burlington, Massachusetts. She’s wearing our Fictional Café hat and holding our brand-new FC coffee mug. Congratulations, Dianne! We’re happy you’ve joined our community and delighted that you’re Our 400th! Like our new mug? Stay tuned to learn how to get one for yourself!  

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October 9, 2017

NEW! Rounds 3 and 4 of the FC Anthology Contest!

NEW! Rounds 3 and 4 of the FC Anthology Contest!

Dear Coffee Clubbers – Sorry to say, but we’ve had some system difficulties over the weekend that kinda messed up posting new rounds. We apologize, and want you to rest assured we’re all over this and getting it fixed so the contest will run smoothly going forward. Here are Rounds 3 and 4 for you to read and vote on. Enjoy! I’m delighted to see how good the writing is in all the entries, and am really looking forward to seeing who wins and will be making an appearance in our first and forthcoming book. I’m sure the writers will appreciate your interest, and your vote! Fictional Cafe Contest Voting Round 4

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October 3, 2017

Join the Fun! Vote for your favorites in the FC Anthology Contest!

Join the Fun! Vote for your favorites in the FC Anthology Contest!

There’s a new pair of contestants every 48 hours. Click here to read and vote. Your participation makes our contest more fun for everyone, so please jump on in! And here’s what to expect over the next few days. Literary Round 1 (Mindy Windholz vs. Dee Home) Genre Round 1 (Bill McStowe vs. Joanna Ghazali) Poetry Round 1 (Judy Wood vs. Annie Tventenstra) Literary Round 2 (Mike Mavilia vs. Jack Rochester) Genre Round 2 (Beth Roper vs. Peggy McAloon) Literary Round 3 (Natalie Rodruigues vs. William Cook) Poetry Round 2 (Dee Home vs. Suman Chatterjee) Literary Round 4 (Natalie Rodruigues vs. William Cook — another one) Genre Round 4 (Joanna Ghazali vs. Chelsea Keenon) Poetry Round 3 (Alison Whittenbeck vs. Michael Larrain) Literary Round 5 (Jane Ward vs. Jake Simons) Poetry Round 4 (Judith Manzor vs….

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October 2, 2017

It’s October Already? Some Really Big News!

It’s October Already? Some Really Big News!

Whoa, what happened to those lazy, crazy days of summer? Or “Indian Summer,” that Fall event that it’s politically incorrect to be called? They just flew by, and here we are, us New Englanders, bracing for a cold, snowy winter. But at least we still have a glimmer of hope for a colorful leaf-turning October and, of course, Halloween. So with those thoughts in mind, we plan to bring you some season-changing creativity month. We baristas are trying to select works we’ve received that link in on an October-y theme without resorting to outright horror, ghosts, spooks and trick-or-treating. We’ll get you something new each week in fiction, poetry, art, podcasts, and – NEW!- video. If you want to pumpkin-up your java before you sit down with our offerings, by all means do so! But……

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September 28, 2017

Inside an Amazon Bookstore: Rachael Allen, Our Intrepid Correspondent, Reports

Inside an Amazon Bookstore: Rachael Allen, Our Intrepid Correspondent, Reports

A Summer at Amazon Books by Rachael Allen You walk into a bookstore. Something is different, you think. You pay for a cold brew from Peet’s Coffee & Tea, located in the rear of the store, then walk around, assessing. Perhaps it’s the orientation of the books: they all face out, squared shoulders, as if presenting their best selves to a potential new owner. Perhaps it’s the black review cards tacked below each book, giving you booklover22’s opinion on why All the Light We Cannot See was so moving. Perhaps it’s the devices zone in the middle of the store. A couple pokes at a tablet, while a little boy dances to Ed Sheeran, whose music is now spouting from the voice-activated speaker, per his request. Perhaps, too, it’s your awareness of the store name…

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