April 3, 2020

“Windfall: An Audio Drama,” by Bob Raymonda

“Windfall: An Audio Drama,” by Bob Raymonda

Windfall is a serialized audio drama created by Bob and Adam Raymonda and Christy Donato. Their story starts when the castle first appeared in the sky above the city of Windfall, its residents have been building upward. Now the city consists of towers where the wealthiest residents live at the top, while the poor eke out a living on the ground. Our podcast follows Cas, Shaima, and Argus, three brothers who live with their Uncle Vern after being orphaned during the grounder rebellion twenty years earlier. They find themselves drifting apart as Argus, the youngest, falls hopelessly in love with the much-older Helina, a foreign merchant haunted by her past. Cas, the middle brother, works in secret for the local crime boss. Shaima, the oldest, struggles to keep their uncle’s scrap shop from going under….

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February 28, 2020

“Parasitecology,” by Rob Trevino and Alan Gallauresi

“Parasitecology,” by Rob Trevino and Alan Gallauresi

A fun and witty comedy written and directed by Rob Trevino and Allan Gallauresu, this podcast features the relationship of Javier Duran (Rob Trevino), a suicidal nerd with crippling anxieties and his alien parasite, Cher Gandhi Statham (Alan Gallauresi). Their bond grows… until they stumble upon a devious plot endangering both their worlds, perpetrated through viral social media campaigns.  But how can they save the world if they can’t get out of bed? To listen to more episodes of Parasitecology, go to https://ohthehumanity.com Please note: While Parasitecology is a comedy, it incorporates the serious and, for us, highly personal topic of mental health, including dealing with anxiety, depression and suicide. If you or a loved one is at risk of self-harm, please: get help and call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Episode 5…

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