The First Fictional Café Anthology Has Arrived!!!

October 3, 2019: Fictional Café is proud to announce the publication of The Strong Stuff: The Best of Fictional Café, 2013-2017. This beautiful, coffeetable-format anthology presents the fiction, the poetry, and the four-color art and photography of 55 contributors, wrapped in an original cover designed by Steve Sangapore, FC’s Fine Arts Barista.

The Strong Stuff (like the coffee we prefer) is a first-edition, limited printing of 200 copies. It is not available on Amazon, or as an ebook. As such, it’s a collector’s edition, a treasure to those whose creativity appears between its covers as well as to you members of the FC Coffee Club. Future editions are planned.

The Strong Stuff: The Best of Fictional Café, 2013-2017, makes a great gift. The list price of this oversize, 258-page softcover book is $25.95, but we’re offering copies to Coffee Club members for $23.00. To place your order, please write us at Be sure to put “Anthology 20” in the subject line to get the discounted price. Tell us how many copies you would like and your mailing address. We’ll invoice you on PayPal and send your books as soon as we receive your payment. Orders will be shipped on or about November 1st.

Order soon! We have fewer than 75 copies left and when they’re gone, The Strong Stuff becomes a collector’s edition!



Painting, fine art, fiction, poetry, literary magazine, anthology
A glimpse of what’s to come…


Hello Coffee Club Members! This page is dedicated to updates, information and purchasing of our print edition of The Fictional Café – our Anthology book, which will include the best of FC from our first 5 years of existence. We are so excited to finally be sharing this book with our community and the world! Check back regularly for posts or sign up for email alerts here.