August 18, 2017

Diego Velez – A Colombian Perspective

Diego Velez – A Colombian Perspective

Editor’s Note: Diego Velez tells stories through his paintings. I got a chance to talk with him about his perspectives on art and life recently.

He told me that being an artist is something that keeps him humble and grateful of what he has. There is so much beauty in the process of creating that he does not even need to drink when he’s working; the painting quenches his thirst. He believes an artist spiritually ingests coals made from different trees to get the essence of these different colors and after creating, the art is a way to let people experience these images for years to come.

But his passion goes beyond art, as he tells me his thoughts on the universe and humanity, “The earth doesn’t ask permission to reshape itself.”

We present to you Diego’s paintings. Several of the images below are part of his “Rotating Art” exhibition, which shows different scenes as the painting is turned onto each of its four sides. If you want to hear a fantastic tale of love and revenge, ask him to tell the story behind the rotating piece, “El Varon y La Dama.”

El Molino


El Movimiento


El Principio


El Rey


El Sueno


El Varon y La Dama




La Guacherna en Carnival


La Mascarada


La Pasarela en el Cabaret


La Vista








Sin Nombre

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Born in 1963 in Cali, Colombia, Diego Velez is a self-taught painter who began painting at the age of 6 years old. Velez is always eager to create something beautiful. Many times the ideas for his artwork come from dreams and from looking at a blank canvas, realizing his desire to give something to the world that will be eternal.

​The process of color choice brings each painting to life and the brightness of colors creates power and presence. His paintings explore the universe and the ever-changing earth from both natural and human causes through abstraction.

He is a firm believer in never leaving a piece unfinished and being part of the process from start to finish. Velez’s works are all original complete creations from stretching the canvas, mixing the colors, and framing the paintings himself.

Velez spent time mid-career as an apprentice to Omar Rayo and has showcased his works at various Colombian galleries and museums and throughout South America and the U.S.

Velez is currently a resident of Massachusetts. You can find more of his work on his website.

About theMike Rochester